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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 偶又有问题了: How do I choice a 3 years mortgage or 5 years? which one is better now? 现在选3年的CLOSE MORTHAGE好呢,还是5年的. 谢谢了.
    • Why not try CIBC ...
      Better Than Prime Variable Rate Mortgage, it's only 2.99% for the first nine months, and then you can lock it in for 3 or 5 years. The prime rate will be drop again at Jan. 15, 02. Watch it...

      I just signed my Mortgage with CIBC, also got $1000 cash back...
      Good Luck !
      • 是啊,皇家银行拒绝了我的信用卡申请,所以我要踹掉它,转到CIBC。那年我回中国的时候,卡里留了几十块钱,心想几年后来了肯定利息都不少。没想到来了一分钱都没有,都给扣掉了,账号都没了。
        • CIBC也一样,每月存款不足一千就要扣若干手续费。
          • 主要是因为拒绝我的信用卡申请,而且我打电话去问的时候,那人态度极差,实在令人不快。
      • Wow! i have signed 2 mortgages from ROYAL and HSBC,but i have never got any cash back. Is this normal?
    • 看个人情况,如果贷款不多,3年就可以了,否则5年好一些。我的BANKER说现在利率(一个月前)是20年内最低的。
      顺便说一下,不要听楼上那位的,CIBC给1% CASH BACK给你,但是利率比较高,我用EXCEL算了一下,不值得(我的开户行也是CIBC,但是我没有用它的MORTGAGE)。
      • Which bank do you get your mortgage? My friends told me Royal Bank is good, but I have not started.
        • Scotia Bank. It's different case by case. Depends on your qualifications.
          • Thanks.
      • Fatfa, I suggesting you to do some study before you make any comments.
        My mortgage rate is only 2.99% for the first nine months, plus I can switch it to 3 or 5 years close mortgage at any time without penalty , and plus I got $1000 cash back. Is it clear ???
        • 3 year, 5 year and 1 year mortage are all different from each other. 1 year is the lowest. I doubt any bank (except the seller) will give a 2.99/5year mortgage. But if you do get it, I'll be glad for you.
    • 奥,是这样子的.交流一下就是好. 偶决的RATE应该还会降最后一次.
      • I agree with you!