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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位,公司说以full time 雇佣我(EI,CPP也有),但是却不签定合同,这里面是否会有什么问题?我主要担心公司是否正规
    各位,公司说以full time 雇佣我(EI,CPP也有),但是却不签定合同,这里面是否会有什么问题?我主要担心公司是否正规
    • what kinda contract do u expect? they didn't give u an offer letter?
      • 谢谢楼上老大的关心,我也没有什么expect,总觉得不签合同心里不塌实.....
        没什么letter,小公司所以部门manager和我说的(full time 什么的),我主要怕别没凑满EI工作时间这公司就倒了.
    • 请问CPP是什么??
      • canadian pension plan
    • 我现在的工作就没有签什么合同。
      • 哥们,看看楼下老大的帖子,咱们是否该多个心眼...
        你领pay check 多久了? pay stub 上他们帮你交了那些东西吗?
        • 两年多了,我信任他们。他们为什么要坑我?坑我有什么好处?一个公司,如果连这点信用都没有,他们还做什么生意?
          • 不是每次逆向行驶都会出事,不怕一万就怕万一嘛。。。
            • 你有你的理由,但对于我,觉得这里远没有到需要担心信用危机的程度。
              • CANADIAN不讲信用。
                在9月18日晚将车PARK 在VISIT PARKING LOT 并按

                • Man.. you made a big mistake.. YOU shouldn't pay the ticket! and go to court and show the telephone bill.... I got a similar experience as well.
    • without contract, how can you report your tax, how do you prove you are his employee(you can't get EI in this case)
      • 老大,您说的正是我担心的。。。
        • yes. you can ask them write you a contract at a convenient time, maybe they just forget it...
        • 工资单上有EI和CPP不意味着他们在交.They only need to pay it one time by the end of september every year.
          • 楼上老大,您能否给一个详细的解释,我真有点糊涂了。
      • non-sense. u don't need contract to report tax. they will send u t4 slip in january, then u could report tax. ei and cpp r deducted from ur salary, not from their pocket. check ur paycheck, u will know it.
        • hoho... why they have to send u T4? even if they send, what if they change your salary to half? they can pay less tax for your salary, you get less tax back, and no way to argue coz u don't have prove.
          • You do have pay stub right? So I don't think they can change your salary to half. Impossible. And they have to send you a T4 since you have pay stub and you have sufficient evidence to go after them if they don't.
            • well, this depends. they may just give u a un-official pay stub, it is not impossible...
              • Then I guess he must ask for a clean and clear pay stub........
                • yeah, or a clean and clear paper contract with signature.
          • what‘s the catch?They report less expense and you pay less tax。why are they so silly doing that?
            • hey, that's very true actually....
            • only part of the tax u pay goes to Revenue Canada, another part goes to boss' pocket...
              • really? home come? I don't think so. The interest may go to boss' pocket.
          • If they cheat Revenu Canada,that’s FRAUD,a very serious affend。
            • millions of chinese restaurant did it, so what? a fraud is a fraud only when you can catch it.
              • Restaurant is pretty unique. Sicne employers pays less than minimum wage but plus tips, waiter may got up to 15/hr. Also, they have do it that way since the employees want cash.
                • sure... anyway, this is a potential risk, you can get rid of it by asking for a paper contract, so why not...
                  • Althought it's your right, but I don't feel very right to ask my boss to give me a signed contract... sometimes it feels weird.... just think about it if you are the manager and one of your boys ask you for contract.
                    • contract always has boss' signature... it is weird if you don't ask actually...
                      • You are so weird.
                        • sure, I am weird, job without contract should be the normal/correct way, you are right.