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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 敌乐从谁那里挣大钱? (转)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛howcome
    Senior Member
    递交于12-14-2001 11:15

    这二位平时都是两耳不闻窗外事型的,对汽车一点儿也不懂,星期天给俺打电话时还在问:“我们看了一辆toyota觉得有点儿小(他们看了一辆可骡拉),我看你们家的mazda挺大的(废话,俺们家的是626),你们当时买的时候多少钱?” ...... "张三他们家的本田也挺大的,就是好象两万多呢,有点贵。”(又是废话,张三开的是full loaded accord) “我们要是想买大一点的是不是就得买马自达了?”...... 俺已经懒得跟他们费话,告诉他们toyota有camry,比626只大不小,然后告诉他们上压乎或者哀得蒙滋调查一番。

    几日无话,今天早晨看见他们开着新的可骡拉。一问,是Corolla S + auto, A/C, all power, and cruise, nothing more, $15000 after 500 rebate(转贴者注:美金),还不是0% APR。


    Senior Member
    递交于12-14-2001 11:26
    俺还特意叮嘱他们主意invoice price,不要看MSRP多高。谁知道他们上yahoo 和 edmunds 看了没有。最后价格比MSRP都贵了。

    Junior Member 递交于12-14-2001 11:29
    Well.. it's hard to have much sympathy for those people (not the
    dealer...) It's like someone who is trying to walk across a busy
    highway- it's highly likely you get run over.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 你到底又想要说明什么? 有些中国人在你心中真的很蠢是吧?
      • calm down, 是转贴的, 提醒大家买车时多长点心眼, 无恶意 :-))
        • of course I know it's 转贴的. But this guy always likes to stand high above and teach you something, especially when it's related to Jap cars.
          • come on, take it easy. After reading such stories, we ourselves may learn more or less. I believe the readers may benefit from such stories, and skip those non-sense words.
            • Yeah,yeah,我们都是成年人啦! :-PP
            • 是呀,并不是每个懂行的人都乐意志愿地写点对大家有用的东西。
          • So what? It's quite normal to be angry at those CHINESE guy who bought JAPANESE cars, we're SHI4-CHOU2. But, it's so strange of you to be unhappy about this.
            Are you a Japanese, or at least a Janpanse fan? Shame on you IF YOU WERE CHINESE.

            Sure everyone has his own choice on the cars. but when one CHINESE guy suggests another Chinese guy not to buy a Jap car, that's a great action, CHINESE should not be angry at this. What do you think?
    • If you check Edmunds' web site, MSRP of a 02 Corolla S with options can go up to US$18918. . Maybe it is a great deal ! (a big cut of US$4000). Don't think you are the only smart guy in town.
      • 昨天看见有人问的价钱是20,000加元。
    • 喜欢或购买什么车, 坚持自己的兴趣,经济, 或政治取向, 都很正常。对我的观点, 赞同, 批评或质疑, 我都欢迎。请不要涉及人生攻击。讲道理的方法有很多, 唯独骂人不在其内。
      • 唉,第一,有些人记仇,第二,有些人专牛角尖。
        • I'm afraid you are totally wrong, in fact, they never 记 Janpanses' 仇, they don't have this characteristic.
    • 天下乌鸦一般黑 so many thieves and liars in this city?!小偷骗子太多了!