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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 我的这个圣诞节会是一个什么样的圣诞节呢...
    • Take it easy. Everything will be fine as you're nice girl.
      • Thank you Fionah. My BF also told me the same thing. But he is the favorite of his Mom, I'm kinda of afraid to facing her.
        • 放轻松,缩手缩脚的反而不好。
          • 妈妈叫我少说话,多微笑,不知道这算不算"缩手缩脚"呢? :P
            • 不好意思,只要你落落大方就得了。
            • I think what your mom means is: to understand them by listening to them. before u open your month. also before u talk, take 3 seconds to think, and keep your respectful manner.
              if u will feel more comfortable, keep distant feelings also in your heart. that's enough! Hope your future mother-in-law is a woman, who likes the woman whom her son likes.
    • Take it easy. Think it's a opportunity for you and his famility to know each other. IT's TWO-WAY, not only one way that they check you out. Good luck!
      • Tracy你说的很对,妈妈也叫我留心观察他的家人.唉,可惜我父母不在身边,不然我也要给他摆个"鸿门宴".
        • 别啊,鸿门宴多可怕啊!!!
    • It's gonna be a merry Christmas. :)
      • 谢谢hairypotter. 你的名字让我想起harry potter 电影前的那个小幽默短片. 忍不住又想笑,hohoho
        • When I watched Harry Potter, there was no short comedy. Was that a commercial? or an animation? if the latter, was it a birdy one made by Pixar? :)
          • It's a animation. Acted by two cartoon charactors. I guess they are very popular now coz U can find them on the street every where. One is a green small guy and the other is a blue hairy monster.
            • OH I see, it's a commercial of "Monsters, Inc" made by Pixar... I watched that movie too...
    • 不要那么紧张嘛,这是一个双方了解得好机会。3年前,我也作为“家长”“接见”了我老公弟弟的女朋友,我们现在已经是无话不说的好姐妹了。(当然啦,第二年,我就当上嫂子啦,:) )