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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 请问如何关掉猫的声音, 在modem里面已经设置了speaker volumn是关掉的, 怎么还有声音呢?? 而且还巨响无比:(((( 哪位DX出手帮帮我呀, 先谢谢了!
    • 1. Using Hyper Terminal to connect to your modem. 2. enter, atm0 (to disable modem's speaker) 3. enter at&w0 and or at&w1(store current configuration to memory).
      • Hyper Terminal??
        • in windows accessories -> communications -> hyper terminal.
          • it needs me to dial first. which number should I dial?? thanks, feng.
            • no, select the COM port which connected to your modem, and select config, rate 9600, and 8, 1, None.
              • then, after i entry atm0 and press ENTRY, it appears "OK", is that right? then how to store current configuration to memory??
                • yes, it's right that means your command excute successfully, then enter at&w or at&w0 or at&w1.
                  • but after it execute at&w0 successfully. then i use the modem, it still sound louderly. why??
                    • I tried in my modem before I reply your note. it did work, you would try AT&W or AT&W1 or AT&W2. that's universal modem commands. let me know the outcome.
                      • useless, 555555555555...........
                        • 不会吧? 那都是标准的命令, 你的猫是什么牌子?
                          • TOSHIBA Software Modem AMR
                            我的是手提内置modem, 不知道怎么看牌子
                            • if you're in Toronto, give me a call, BTW, you could check your modem properity in device manager, or modem icon in control panel.
                              • i'm in vancouver:( is the modem properity concerned with the hyper terminal's properity?
                                • QQ me at 39577112, 偏不信这个邪.
    • upup
      • 再来一把UUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!.:))))))
        • thanks:))
          • 睡觉前再帮你UP一次. :-)
            不用多谢了, 只要请我撮一顿就行了. :-) BTW, 你的MODEM是外置的还是内置的???
            • 我的modem是内置的
              好的呀, 不谢你了, 你请我吃饭吧 :->