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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 同志们:那位可以告诉我,银行存款数和什么有关?和我的牛奶金,托儿所收费,返税。。。。有关吗?
    • Student loan (the less the better), sponsor your family member to visit Canada (the much the better). As far as I know.
    • 银行存款数低于$5500才可以申请免费Daycare.
      • 不是免费,而是补贴。
    • remember GIC, mutual funds, and etc. are INVESTMENT accounts, while regular checking/saving acocunts are not. so no matter how much money on your checking./saving account, it doesn't affect student loan at all.
      • 到底哪个帐户影响申请学生贷款?osap?THX
        • investment accounts lah. checking or saving accounts won't affect your osap application.
    • 总的来说,对于申请国家补贴来说,如托儿补贴、学生贷款等,你带的钱越少越好。对于用钱办事情来讲,如做生意、注册公司、赞助亲属移民等,钱越多越好。