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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / Please help. I am applying for a QA job(maybe a team leader). They ask me about salary. I have no idea about it for QA,Please help.
    • 十万火急
    • 我也不知道, 只能帮你出主意了. 听说QA初级的薪水也不高, 做到高级的可以很高. 我想看你做的工作的多少和难易程度吧. 如果是初级的QA, 只做做测试的话, 应该薪水不会高过程序员的(程序员的平均是年薪50K), 如果做的QA工作
      要求做过项目经理,而且有MANAGER的成分就可以比程序员更高些吧, 不知道这边的项目经理平均年薪是多少呢?
      • I am not sure what they really want me to do. They said they need sb who can understand Japanese.They also ask me if I have leader's skill.Does any one know sb work as QA? thanks
    • If you apply for a QA engineer, you can say around 50K, but negotiable.
      • Thanks everyone. I just send email to that company and said I perfer 65k. Maybe it is too high. Let's see how the company say. I will let your guys know.
        • 太高,实在是有点高。玄!
    • 软件企业里,QA主要的工作保证企业的软件产品开发过程是有序的,QA会根据某种标准制定质量保证体系并要求员工(产品经理、开发、测试、文档)执行。上面蚂蚁说的,有的企业也让QA身兼QC职能,完成测试工作。
    • 吴征也应聘?
      • Haha, remember I am liar.
    • 如果是第一份工作,是team leader, 是QA, 工资应在50k-70K; 我看, 保守一点:55k较合理,多了有风险。
      • Thanks. I just got email from the company. They may think I asked too much. Anyway, they did not say no.Let's see.
    • the QA engineer in my company(not team leader), 35k per annual.
      • so low?