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  • / 求租房屋(加东) / 我想租在多大St.George Campus周围的房子,价格3~400$左右/月,5月初入住. 因为我要去多大上学,所以房子离多大越近越好,有简单家具如床,桌子,电话接口,CABLE等最好! 请EMAIL WATERLOO888@HOTMAIL.COM , 多谢多谢!!!----有没有其他5月要去多大上学的朋友,多多联系!
    • one tip: check campus housing page on U of T site. I know tartu college is well furnished for single person, located conveniently, and only costs 350$.
      • 谢谢你!可是因为我申请的是第二学位,不是1年级的新生,所以录取通知里已经告诉我ON CAMPUS是不可能的了,我到多大RESIDENCE主页去查OFF CAMPUS,
        又要我输入LIBRARY #,可我现在只有STUDENT #,所以。。。 请问你说的“tartu college ” 我怎么查不到,能告诉我她的主页么? 多谢多谢!!!
        • http://www.library.utoronto.ca/housing_service/tartu.htm
          I know at least a couple of people there are 2nd year students.
          One of them is transferred student. Basically I think 2nd degree student
          is treated almost the same as other student, i.e., you don't have to be with Woodsworth college as transferred or visiting student.

          Can you apply for student ID now? The library number is on it. I remember you can do it before school starts.
          Or you can send inquiry to housing office to ask them for help.
          • Thanks !!!! ^.^ So Tartu is on-campus building, maybe I won't be accepted because I am an upper year student, but anyway, I have sent an eamil to On-campus Residence Office to ask for help.
            I have a student # but haven't got my UT ID card, I will try to apply for one ASAP! Thanks for your kind help, have a nice day!!! ^.^
    • most rooms in houses near Chinatown and Bathurst area are SUPER dirty and very poorly maintained(ranged from 300-400). you'd better start the hunting from what the school can offer you.
      • 是啊是啊,那些地方真是“脏乱差”,我去年在COLLEGE AT BARTHURST的路口附近住过两个月,深有同感啊!谢谢你的提醒!
        • there should be notices regarding summer sublet around campus, mostly in noticeboard/washroom. For your information, this semester is ending in mid May.
          So it's not a good time to find student apartment to move in on May1---and your classes start from mid of May too.
          • Thanks !!! I will please some of my friends to keep an eye on these ads . I'd like to move in early May ,but because the summer term begins from middle May ,so it is really not a good time for me !
            Would you please tell me if you have any information ?

            Thanks and have a nice day!!! ^.^