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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / SOS!我的车每天都停在家门口靠近房东的草坪处,是房东靠诉我可以停在那的,邻居们也都这么停。可今天却在家门口收到罚单(PARKING INFRACTION NOTICE),罚款项目是PARK LONGER THAN 3 HOURS,谁知道是怎么回事?
    • 居民区的街道是不可以parking超过3小时。警察经常巡查并作记号。留心一下,车轱辘上有没有粉笔记号?很多警察是一次为记号的。
    • If you park on ur landlord's property, everything is fine, but if you park on government's property -- say the road side, u need to buy a parking permit from the government.
      • 谢谢二位。看来是被房东误导了。请问你们说的PARKING PERMIT 怎么买?每月多少钱?另APARTMENT旁边小道上可PARK过三小时吗?我看见很多人在那PARK过夜。因下月要搬APARTMENT,所以问问
        • xixi
        • Go to City Hall, Parking Permit division to purchase.. You have to line up 1hr so prepare youself. Watch the sign on the parking lot or road. If it doesn't have any restriction, then it's okay.
        • The price varies between district. For my area, district 8F(pape and riverdale section), 110 per year.
        • usually apartment could provide parking lot for tenants (not free), u should be very careful when parking somewhere, if ur car is towed, it is huge money.
    • 竟有这等事? 太悲惨了. 我一直以为在没有"NO PARKING"标志的地方可以永久parking吶.
      • A lot of place they have signs like No Parking 9pm - 9am EXCEPT by permit. Then between 9pm to 9am, you have to have permit to park but for 9am to 9pm, you can park as long as you want.
    • 我刚办好, 在CITY HALL西侧的裙楼里, 带上车主证,驾照,房东的介绍信(纳闷,人人说需要,可是办事人员没有问我要), 可以顺便问他们索取一张地图, 上面标有你可以停的区域. 相关信息的政府网站是:
      • How much does the permit cost?
    • 你们那一定是星期二收垃圾。平时是不会管你的。
      • 我们是周三收垃圾