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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / Come in: The new selection grid. (Even 75 is pretty hard to get.)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Proposed Points Grid

    AGE Maximum 10

    21 - 44 years of age at time of application [10]
    Lose 2 points for each year of age over 44 years or under 21 years

    EDUCATION Maximum 25

    Doctorate & Master's Degrees [25]
    Bachelor's Degree involving equivalent of at least 3 years full time studies [20]
    3-year equivalent full time studies/training leading to a diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship [20]
    2-year equivalent full time studies/training leading to a diploma [15]
    1-year equivalent full time studies/training leading to a diploma [10]
    High school [5]

    LANGUAGE* Maximum 20
    Highly functional in first official language [16]
    Moderately functional in first official language [8]
    Basically functional or no abilities in first official language [0]
    Highly functional in second official language [4]
    Moderately functional in second official language [0]
    Basically functional or no abilities in second official language [0]

    * points will be awarded on the basis of English and French abilities in four skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

    EXPERIENCE Maximum 25
    One year of recent skilled work experience [10]
    Two years of recent skilled work experience [15]
    Three years of recent skilled work experience [20]
    Four years of recent skilled work experience [25]

    Arranged employment in Canada validated by HRDC [10]

    ADAPTABILITY Maximum 10
    * Spouse's (including common-law partner's) education
    - Masters or Ph.D. [5]
    - Bachelor degree or three year diploma [4]
    - one - two years post-secondary education [3]
    * Minimum one year full time authorized work in Canada [5]
    * Minimum two years full time post-secondary study in Canada [5]
    * Informal job offer in Canada in keeping with past experience or education [5]
    * Family member in Canada [5]

    TOTAL Maximum 100更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 恐怖......
    • 有人看到新法关于居住期限的限制了吗? 还有回加证取消了吗? 我怎么看官方网站还是一年之内要住满183天呀
      • A permanent resident must comply with a residency obligation with respect to every five-year period
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛28. (1) A permanent resident must comply with a residency obligation with respect to every five-year period.

        (2) The following provisions govern the residency obligation under subsection (1):

        (a) a permanent resident complies with the residency obligation with respect to a five-year period if, on each of a total of at least 730 days in that five-year period, they are

        (i) physically present in Canada,

        (ii) outside Canada accompanying a Canadian citizen who is their spouse or common-law partner or, in the case of a child, their parent,

        (iii) outside Canada employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the public service of Canada or of a province,

        (iv) outside Canada accompanying a permanent resident who is their spouse or common-law partner or, in the case of a child, their parent and who is employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the public service of Canada or of a province, or

        (v) referred to in regulations providing for other means of compliance;

        (b) it is sufficient for a permanent resident to demonstrate at examination

        (i) if they have been a permanent resident for less than five years, that they will be able to meet the residency obligation in respect of the five-year period immediately after they became a permanent resident;

        (ii) if they have been a permanent resident for five years or more, that they have met the residency obligation in respect of the five-year period immediately before the examination; and

        (c) a determination by an officer that humanitarian and compassionate considerations relating to a permanent resident, taking into account the best interests of a child directly affected by the determination, justify the retention of permanent resident status overcomes any breach of the residency obligation prior to the determination.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 对大部分中国的移民申请者,如果没有把握英文考满分并且有个3年大专以上学历的配偶,移民基本没希望。
    • 申请的人越多条件就会越高。
    • 百分之70-80的中国移民申请者都不可能达到80分,加拿大23万的移民计划怎样完成?
      • 这个简单,譬如家庭团聚,难民,投资移民。现在申请技术移民的中国人多了,加政府一定会修改移民法把条件提高。这叫水涨船高。
        • 也还没有多那么多,“其中30多万件是关于技术移民的申请。这些申请有大约20% ,也就是约六万件是中国大陆的移民申请人提出的。 ”--VOA
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛加拿大移民部公布了新移民法的实施细则,对技术移民的条件作出了更严格的限制,这意味着目前已经提出移民申请的大批申请人可能不会获得接纳。其中包括数万名中国大陆的移民申请人。




          据移民部的资料显示,目前,移民部共积压了50多万件等待审理的移民申请案,其中30多万件是关于技术移民的申请。这些申请有大约20% ,也就是约六万件是中国大陆的移民申请人提出的。 “多伦多加华移民公司”的负责人官国荣向记者介绍说,在新的标准之下,6万名中国大陆的申请人中,绝大部份人的申请将会被拒绝。官国荣说:“目前已经入表的几十万人中的相当一部份,我认为至少三分之二的技术移民申请会受到影响。”他指出,对于中国大陆的技术移民申请人来说,受影响最大的是对语言能力的要求更高了。





          据加拿大移民部的资料显示,从1998年开始,中国大陆一直是加拿大最大的移民来源国。今年移民加拿大的中国人预计将达到四万人。《多伦多星报》报导,加拿大律师协会已经发表声明,指责新移民法实施细则扼杀了数十万移民申请人移民加拿大的希望。声明并指责加拿大联邦政府违反了有关继续实行开放的移民政策的承诺。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 这也正常,看看现在澳州的移民,也是先留学再申请比较简单。我估计加也想这幺办。
      • 不完成就不完成贝, 加拿大911后移民政策开始向美国靠拢, 要跟美国一致,以后欧州和澳州的留学生想移民加拿大也不容易了。 拿加拿大绿卡的难度跟美国差不多了。
    • 我估计这可能是一个政治策略,就象前年曾经提出把移民的总数提高到50万一样,后来很快被否定了。
      • 加拿大是一个民主国家,现在这样做是对民意的一次调查。
        • 这是个被通过的法案,应该不是民意调查。再说加拿大政府修改法案,为什幺要调查中国人的意见?
          • 不是中国人的意见而是主流媒体和社会团体的意见。还没正式实行。上次说移民50万是登在星岛和TORONTO STAR上的。
            • 新标准这个消息是从加的官方网站上得到的,没有说是讨论稿而是公布这个新规定。
              • Note: Full set of draft regulations to be posted for consultation purposes upon pre-publication in the Canada Gazette.
                • 是报摘还是官方消息?
                  • here
                    • 这只是对标准的讨论,新法是势在必行的,标准会越来越严的。
                      • 1)还没有实施2)加拿大移民法再严也是大家一起严,再严也架不住咱中国人人多!
                        • 当然是大家一起严,加拿大政府也是要提高标准。
                          • 他们要保证移民总量,这是他们竞选的承诺。我说的大家是包括印度,巴基斯坦。。。
                      • 这好像不是讨论稿,是正式规则,看CIC的官方网站http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/coming/new-regs.html