


  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问在多伦多的朋友,羽绒服准备几件为好,我已经买了件长的羽绒服,有无必要再多买一件?另外,那边的羽绒服贵吗?式样如何?还有什么东西或衣物值得不远万里从中国带去?
    • 是不是没有男式的长的过膝的羽绒服?
      • Don't buy
        • why?so many people suggest to buy one?
          • 出国前的确看到这样的建议,当时由于没有找到,所以就战战兢兢的带了件短的,刚过腰,到多伦多发现足够了。而且发现这里90%穿过膝风衣的全是中国人。
            • 为什么只有中国人穿?想起来就很土。幸亏我没买,不过我lp 和孩子买了这种到脚跟的羽绒服。反正不好看。
              • 等你在寒风中颤抖时,就不想土不土的问题了。老外比我们禁冻啊,我们办公室有一西人,全年短袖衫,我却穿毛衣。
              • it's easy to get dirty. I think knee-length is enough and can be seen everywhere now.
            • wrong. many businessmen wear it too, u can see them in downtown or bay street area. And such clothes from LONDON FOG are available at THE BAY right now, 200$/each.
              • I don't agree with you.
                • I agree with you, wjiang. And how's going with my case? Any good news.
                  • the only reliable person is yourself, hehe.
                • only because you don't hang around financial district and major shopping malls, you cannot say it doesn't happen. hehe, open eyes wide before make fair judgement.
                  • What the heck you talking about, finacial district? I was worked in NesbitteBurns trading floor for three years man, First Canada Place, that whit Bank of Montreal building,is finacial enough?
                    • Yes. I have been an international businessman for many years. To me, it is very hard to connect any man who wears a down coat with wall street.
            • however the style is slightly different, hehe.
              • Get some fashion sense will you? LONDON FOG is wind coat, that guy is talking about down coat.
                • correct!
                • you two are super nuts. sorry to say this. but it's all yellow's fault, #30216. if you don't know what's is polite behavior, don't be sucky either.
                  • Take it easy brother. Everything will be fine.
                  • 哥们,不就是一个错误嘛,我已经纠正了,用得着用这种口气嘛?Take it easy! 另外,拜托您老人家说别人的时候不要用guest,说实话,为了弄清谁是谁,花了我宝贵的4分20秒,最后我也没搞请您老是谁。
                • #30216, ben ben.
                  • it's funny to see some males here think they found a new immigrant gang here and attack other people without using their eyes and brains. Do something better and smarter to show your are somebody, please.
                    • You lost me, I ganged up with who? never meet and one here before, I think you are little over react.If some how some where you feel be offended, i'm sorry that's not my intention.
            • 对不起,纠正一个错误,应该是羽绒服,不是风衣。
      • no guys wear it. but if you are a tall and slim girl, and the coat in light pink/orange/blue color, it's still very trendy.
    • 麻烦大家了,我想问一下如果在美国找到工作,到加拿大后能不能马上去美国?
      • 前两天已经有一个老兄为了十几万美金的年薪放弃了加拿大的身份。你自己权衡是否值得吧。
        • 不好意思,你能不能说的具体明确一下,我不太明白,谢谢!