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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请教语法改错题:2000年5月21题:The first city in the United States that (put) into effect major (plan) for (the clustering) of government (buildings) was Washington, D.C.
    • Seems put should be take or took.
      • put into effect,put into action,put into force--useful phrases.
    • put into effect to do or in/of doing? whatever, i choose plan.
    • I think (the clustering) is the wrong expression. It should be (the cluster of ) or (for clustering goverment buildings) but the first expression is better. (clustering) should be followed by a object directly.
      • AGREE!! UPUP
    • A?
      • 嗯。
    • Thanks! Now I don't know the correct answer. some people say A, the others say B.
      • A, need passive mood
    • A
    • C(the clustering)?
      • UPUP
    • B. It could be right either "major plans" or "a major plan".
      • 这个PLAN应该是个不可数名词。我觉得答案是A,应该是被动。
        • PLAN is never an uncountable.
          • '_was_ put _into_'
            • "was put into effect by WHOM?" Passive voice is unreasonable. Actually, PLAN implied it's THE CITY that took the action.
              • by city structure designer
                • They had the power to force THE CITY (government)?
              • just like 'he was fired', you don't need to care if there is an 'employer' or not. _into_ is a key word here.
                • No. English is a language emphasizing logic. We have to notice it.
            • The keynote here is that it's nothing wrong to use the active voice in this sentence.
          • 手上没有大字典。感觉PLAN有规划,设计的意思,应该会有不可数的时候。哪为大虾帮忙查一下字典?
            • 'according to plan' is found for the noun 'plan' in both 新英汉词典和英华大辞典。
              • Fixed phase. It has nothing to do with the countability.
    • A
    • 从语感上俺觉着是A,可觉得SUE分析的也对。:(
    • 拜托,这是托福题目呀,要往简单的地方想。选B,plans,这是托福经常考的。
      • what is wrong with "plan"?
    • Please post the correct answer ASAP.
      • 我手头有两芬资料(都很权威的),可给定的答案一个是A,一个是B。搞不懂了!谁身边有老外,问问?
    • PLAN is wrong. It should be PLANS. 如果前面有个the,或者a来修饰plan. 就没毛病了。单数可数名次前面一定要有限定词。
    • 记的以前有一类似的题,有关plan的,新东方的语法笔记里的解答是:plan->plans,plan是可数的
    • B错误。 Put into plans(or put into a plan). especially behind major.
      • but in this question it's "put into effect...".
    • I just asked my colleague and he said plan is wrong, should be a major plan.
    • I think it should be A: the passive tense must be used: was put into.