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  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 刚才老板问我个问题,没答上来,真丢人,在这里求教一下:有些软件有single, lab packs, network version, server license的不同价格,奇怪的是single的最贵,要$18,000,其它倒便宜,怎么回事?
    • What kind of software... I know Microsoft's license structure is different.
      • 大概是一些管理软件,关键是这几个词代表什么不清除。MICROSOFT的SINGLE也不会比SERVER还贵呀?
        • Volume license is cheap when you come to per license price. That's why single license is most expensive. A single license may cost you 500/license but volume license of 5 pack may only cost you 2000
          • 还不完全是这样。single是$18,000,lab packs是$10,000,network是$800。再说什么软件单机版要这么贵?
            • Functionalities may be different. It sounds to me more like MS Windows Data Center, MS Windows Advance Server, MS Windows Server, MS Windows Professional.
            • Do you have the link to the product?
              • No.她给我是一叠报价单。刚才看了一下ORACLE的报价,也是这样,personnal的贵。
                • Personal only 400, enterprise cost 800, what do you mean personal is expensive?
                  • No! standard and personal
            • Do worry about that
              single是$18,000 means single user
              network是$800, means $800/per user, so you have to buy network version by n*800 and other options, the sum is more than personal version.
              actually, the function is same between personal and network expect some options.
              • 说对了。net 相当于批发。多买优惠嘛。置于说为什么Oracle personal要比standard贵,是因为personal不一定就比standard更小。看一下产品介绍就知道了。不同的产品有不同的规矩。你老板真是有病。
    • 哎呀!谁能帮帮我,一会儿老板还要问我。急!!!
      • 有不是神仙,哪里可以十么屁都懂, you can say : sorry, I am not sure ... I think it might. ....
    • oracle的一个产品,原价$300,两年$105,4年$180,这样好象2年最合算.
      • You lease the license, you don't own it. Be careful!! After 2 year, you no longer has the license to use it!!!!!
    • May be different license type (Production and Development, I guess lab pack is only for lab development)
      May be it is because different license type. Like microsoft, you can buy production license and development license. Development license is limited to develop purpose only, you can not apply it to production purpose, thus the price is lower.
      • I understand the difference between development and production. could you give me some info about single, lab packs, server, network version?
        • we really need to know the product in order to give specific opnion. Since every company has its own licencing structure, if you can understand what I mean.