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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 如果我的登陆地点是多伦多, 下飞机我办好SIN和银行帐号后,过两周我再决定去温哥华找工作,这样可以吗?是否需要更改我的SIN或者银行帐号地址?或者是否需要我隔一段时间回多伦多报到一下?三年后的申请入籍必须在多伦多申请吗?
    • 瞎折腾。为什么不直接去温哥华?
    • I think (guess) SIN and Bank Accout are all right, if you update your new address timely. But you will have to apply for your OHIP (Health Card) again at Vancouvor.
      • 你的意思说,SIN可以全国通用,而医疗卡只在各个省内通用?换个地方长呆,就要换个医疗卡?
      • OHCP only applys in Ontario. The O is Ontario.
        In BC you can have the medical plan there.

        Anyway the SIN does not need to change. The address attached to your SIN will be changed when you file you tax return.

        The bank account you may want to close it before you move. It is not convenient to keep a back account from a remote city. You can discuss your situation with your bank manager.