


  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 实在没辙了,谁知道多伦多哪里买AC-DC power adapter 9V 1500mA? 谢了先。
    • 1.5A? that's a big one! try Radio Shark
      • Radio Shark? 我好怕。
      • The biggest one in Radio Shark is 1.2A
      • I think they all have a spelling mistake: It should be Radio Shack. You can check www.radioshack.ca to find out more.
    • Looks to me like a special purpose AC adapter, for fax? printer? You can ask some body who knows the electricity make one for you or you have to contact the manufacturer. I don't think Radio Shack have special purpose AC Adapter.
      • You are right, that's for a HUB which I bring here from China. I know how to make it but where could I buy the components?
        • I saw a guy just modified his computer's power supplier to a AC adapter to his fax machine.
          • Actually I was thought about this way, but I don't know how to convert 12V DC to 9V DC, 555555 :-(
            • Use resistance.
            • 电脑电源是非常成熟的产品,参数都是固定的,集成化的,是开关电源,其电压通过脉冲占空比调整,不容易大幅度改变. 用电阻的办法不现实,功耗很大且无法使输出电压稳定.这一行我算半个行家吧,有20年工龄了.
              • 行家在此,这项有利了,给我出个主意吧。