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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / TOEFL:刚刚做了POWERPREP上的模拟题,好受打击啊!因为没有答案,特向大虾们征解。
    1. The copper was the first (metal used) by humans and is second (only) to iron (into) its utility of through (the ages).

    2.The leopard seal is the only pinniped ____ preys on penguins and other seals.
    A that normally B. of which it normally C. normally D. that it normally

    3.Located at the upper end of each ___ an adrenal gland, and integral part of the endocrine system.
    A. kidney which is B. kidney is C. kidney being D. kidney
    • 1. C or D, I am not sure. But I choose C, I think into is not appropriate; 2. A, according to my feeling; 3. B , there should be a main verb in the sentense.
    • I am going to take exam soon. Can you tell me where you get CBT question. what is "power prepare" thx
      • CBT的模拟题,很有帮助啊!
        • sorry I could not get it. Can you tell the address again. thx
          • 软件太大,只能邮给你,去签个名吧。请珍惜免费资源!
            • thx, but I still can not get it, I am going to take test next month, please help
              • 前半部分已经可以下载了,后半部分正在找地方。
                • I download all of them, but do not know how to make it work, please help
    • my answer, D A B
      • Can you explain why D is inappropriate in No.1? I'd like to make clear the answer.
    • B,A,A?
      • SHOULD BE C, A, B
      • I choose C A B, the first, I am not sure, just my feeling.
        • "into" should be "in", that is my guess
          • 觉得应该是D。“AGES”前不需要“THE”,“INTO”并没错。
            • I think "into" should be replaced by "for".I'm also preparing for the test.
            • 这里没有提到特定age,而是指历史上的各个年代,所以觉得ages应该没错。但我不知道c应该如何去改正。而且被后面那个of弄得很糊涂。
    • C,A,B?
      • join us to get higher scores
    • 我是个菜鸟,谢谢大家了!



      • 1.可能是:过去铜是人们首选使用的金属,而现在经过若干年仅次于铁成为第二位 3。此为倒装句
        • and 是并列,不能译成转折语气“而且”
    • 对不起,第一个题后面没有“OF”,正确为: The copper was the first (metal used) by humans and is second (only) to iron (into) its utility through (the ages).
    • 3 的主语就是kidney, 在each和kidney之间应该有个逗号,估计你漏打了。
      • 绝对没有漏掉逗号!
        • 明显是倒装句,IS 后面的是主语,
          • You are right, I am wrong!
    • 应该是DAB,考冠词语法点,并不是专指某段ages,不用the。
      • 我不明白“INTO ITS UTILITY”的意思
        • 说老实话,我也不明白。但是这道题似乎见过,应该冠词有问题。我觉得介词搭配很复杂,除了常见的,象这种怪的搭配,很多时候是trick,迷惑人的,感觉有问题,其实往往是对的。
        • 各位朋友,我认为一定是C错,应该是in,这也是托福常考的类型。in its utility 是单单修饰second only to iron 的。意思是时间上第一,用途上第二。
    • C,A,B is correct. I have just taken a CBT TOEFL test and I have practised the POWERPREP. This is a CD made by ETS . It helped me a lot.
      • Where did you find the TOEFL POWERPREP?
      • Toefl Prep没有参考答案,你怎么知道你做的是对的?
        • 没有答案的确是件痛苦的事情,我为此做了数遍题,终于将语法做到30
          • Would you mind telling me where I can get the TOEFL POWERPREP? Thanks a lot!
    • 请问,你是从哪DOWNLOAD托福的CAT呢?谢谢。