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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 正在考虑留学加拿大,有几个问题请教
    • UW is the best for Accounting and Finance. They provide 3 degrees, Master of Accounting, Master of Finance, and Master of Taxation. Links: http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/ACCT/acct.html
      • Thank you very much! But……
        • There are two type of scholarship. One requires applications, which are totally separated from admission. Another kind is admission scholarships, which are automatically considered when you send your application.
          • Master of Taxation is a law degree
            • Well, still taught under School of Accountacy Studies, so it's highly accounting oriented.
              • MAcc grads are CAs, MTax grads are lawyers, and that JINq guy who picked a fight with you, I caught him last night, he is TuXue(吐血)
                • ha! multiple identities. I should start doing that too!
          • 有没有希望?
            我估算了一下GPA, 大概3.3/4.0, 85/100.
            • You can try Master of Finance. I don't think they accept application for Master of Accounting since that's a special degree which you got enrolled trough under-grad studies at UW. 我也不知道你有没有戏。
            • 但是我知道你不尽努力去申请的话,就永远没有戏,最后祝你好运!
            • 85%就虽然超过了她的要求?, you need a reality check
              • 那么真正的要求是什么?请教。
                • 请问您想申请那一个爆管?
                • 这里大学对国外大学的本科applicant都是每个case来审查的,所以没有很确定的标准,谁给你意见都是猜的,最好还是apply多几个,看看哪个有戏。
      • 刚刚一头雾水的我非常感谢你们的热心帮助,我现在任何考试都没考呢,打算现在开始准备,02年是来不及了,03年吧,多一分准备就多一分把握。 By the way,应该什么时候开始申请呢?初级问题,因为我现在真的什么都不懂,请见谅:)
        • 你最好现在就向各所大学索取申请表(网上都有email地址或form给你索取),拿到了以后里面有详细的要求,根据要求一样一样的准备,然后再问人参考,但是只是参考,一切按申请表准备保险。
          • 谢谢!