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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 哪位知道,landing paper丢了,可以补吗?
    • 也太不小心了吧?最好打电话去immigration office问问。
    • Yes, you can. My friends lost their landing paper, then they got an other one.
      • 请问是他们自己丢的,还是寄丢的
        • 自己丢的, 然后告诉使馆是寄丢的.
        • 最好别撒谎,是否寄丢,快递公司有你的接收签字,撒谎大大的不好!那些老骗子就会交你学坏,其实是害你呢。
    • Yes, If you are in Toronto, please call 416-973-4444, or call 1-888-242-2100 from anywhere else in Canada, they will mail you the form to apply a new landing paper, it will take about 8 weeks.