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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 昨天到商场买了个32寸的“巨箱”,三围尺寸肯定是狂超158厘米(保守估计177厘米),但我可以把重量控制在32KG以内。请教各位大虾,上飞机有没有问题?
    • 应该不行
    • 当然行
    • 到哪里?到VAN只需搞掂国内那头;到TOR,Forget about it!
      • why?! 既然从国内到van可以,那在van转机去tor为什么不行?van机场行李查得特别严?
        • Right to the point...
          They gonna urge you repack your stuff and pay off fines; Don't give it a shot unless you're prepared and phsychologically tough enough to ba capable of doing all of this in a mess.
          • 那怎么我也听说有人170,顺利过关的?我准备两个箱子,一个170,另一个才140多。
            • Give it a try as long as you've been pre-aware of the possibility. It could be only a matter of sums of extra charges plus bad mood when coming to land. They'll let you go into Canada anyway.
          • 听说过,让你当场去买小的箱子,在机场重新打包。会很狼狈,东西方不进什么的。