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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / is IELTS score accpetted by Canda Univeristy ? I have passed IELTS exam ,(A type) i'd like to know if the scrore is availabe in Canda university? Any help will be appricable.
    • if your score ranks 7.5-8,it's better than toefl and acceptable by most university in CA, otherwise you should take a toefl,it 's easer than ielts
    • you might check which type of IELTS you took first.
      University and College may only accept the academic one.But all the immigrants only required the general one. Or you can email directly to the University and check it out.Good luck!
    • i took A type ,but i just got 6.5 score .sigh, i should take it again ,7 score is too difficult for me .my god ! who can help me!!
      • Don not worry too much!
        6.5 IELTS (Acedemic )is enough for applying to Toronto (Bachelor degree),so do not worry too much?