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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 给加拿大政府的抗议信!(转帖网友)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛To Whom It May Concern:

    I am one of the new immigration applicants from Beijing. In my opinion, the proposed regulations for skilled immigrants to Canada is UNJUSTIFIABLE.

    I spent half a year on preparing the painstaking application materials based on the current regulation and sent them to your embassy. However, my case, which was delayed by the officials in the embassy, will now be assessed against the new Skilled Worker regulations. Unfortunately, like most of current applicants, I cannot score the pass mark any longer. If I had known my mark is below the pass mark, do you think I would still pay for the embassy to review my application?

    Hereby I require the Canadian Embassy to return the application materials and reimburse the fee, since the Government of Canada provided false information and misled all the immigration applicants.


    发信给移民局 lr-info-rl@cic.x400.gc.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 抗议!!!我的材料刚刚准备好!早知如此我就不搞这个了!tnnd!
    • Very good and reasonable, Strongest support!!
    • 同意
      • 换个角度想想吧, 说不准也是好事,正好悬崖勒马。
        • Yep..... Think twice......
    • 也别抗议了,只要呼吁中国使馆把申请中国绿卡的加拿大公民全拒不就EVEN 了.
      • 我所见到的最狠的一招!
      • 一个字: 毒
        • 以毒攻毒?毒性太小。
      • 不要太小人之心,移民把钱都带跑了,政府才不乐意呢,但同时有扒不得外国人来中国花钱,所以尊重客观事实,说气话是没用的。
    • 觉得有点儿不太实际,一个国家的移民政策的制定,需要考虑外国人的意见吗?