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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 我好烦阿啊,过大节的,什么事业干不了,门也出不了,我相撞楼,我想放火。
    • You can drink with your friends, that's wonderful!!!!!!!
      • 这位朋友真好!但如果只有1个人,喝什么酒好呢?现在我想找些文章,看看那些被关在狱中的失去自由的人可以干点什么事打发时光并提高修养。
        • You can drink the mixture of spirits, wine and beer. If you don't know how to make it, I can help you.
    • Just go ahead, i can go with you if you really want to~~~~~~! I have the same feeling with you~~~~~~!
      • 真的? but I don't want fire other people's house. this new year, just play firework la. and then drink and drunk.
        • Thoes things are really really boring la~~~~~, aren't they? Think aoubt something spcial to do, something like .........
          • many many things could be special, as special as our imagination. right! when do you have time?
            • 我是个超级大闲人,闲到自己都要精神分裂了!
              • go to church to get education, those kind people will come to home and education me. they are so kind that I would have trouble to get rid of them.
                • 好土哦,可以不可以“IN”一点的?看看他们缓慢的心境就很那个.......
                  • so, what to do? can you educate me?
                    • Sure,只要您不嫌麻烦,一定要您不闲,然后我也有事情做
    • 很简单,先学会驾飞机,怎么停就免了,可以节约时间;然后买张单程机票……
      • 现在群众的觉悟提高了,恐怖分子也不好当啊。逗个了就算了,也不想太过分。谁相去?
        • 法国丫,法国机场连爆炸物都能过关,嘻嘻,那安全些