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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 关于填写“APPLICATION KITS FOR FAMILY CLASS” 的几个问题,飞雪浮冰及各位老兄,请赐教!!!

    1、Checklist中说到"your original 'hukou' or that of your household" 除了户口外还要公证吗?因为他前面提到"if your documents are not in english or french, send a notaried(certified) translation with the originals."

    2、Checklist中说到"Notariazed photocopy of sponsor's complete passport" ,是否护照也要公证?

    3、"datails of education"中说到的“ type of course"指什么?
    • 如果是中共党员,不填,会不会被查出来,本人担心填了,会被审核太久!
      • 不用填。没人查你的政治面貌。
        • 共产党员是不会招的!!!
      • 好像所有人多说不填党员身份,到底为什么?加拿大不是尊重人权和信仰自由吗?我觉得没关系。(可惜我不愿拿签证开玩笑,不然一定试试)
        • 我已勇敢地替我LP填上。欲知结果如何,且听以后分解。
          • 感谢各位老兄指点!
    • 2. What they want is the photocopy of that passport, so it should be notarized to prove that it's true.
      • thanks, bloor. can you please tell me if i should notarized my original "hukou"
        • To be frank, I don't have experience on this. But, ...
          you may contact this lawyer for help. She is a Canadian, but can speak Chinese very well. I attend a lecture hosted by her the other day. She said she could answer your question in 2 or 3 days.

          Nancy Myles Elliott
          130 bloor Street West,
          Suite 601, Toronto

          Tel: 416-920-0303

          Good Luck
    • Flying snow, are you there,please help me!!!
    • Hi, my system had some problems these days, so I have to upgrade my system to win2000 and re-install everything, then I can online again!
      About you questions:
      1. I know the photocopy of your passport really need to be notarized. But I don't know how about "Hu Kou".
      2. I don't know "the type of course" either, but I think it should be "Full-time" or "Part-time".
      3. If I know anything about this type of case, I will publish it to all.