


  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 我女儿6岁,9月就可以上学了,我打算7月底带孩子去加拿大,到加后,要忙于找工,孩子无人看,请问有无暑期的托儿班?另外,我女儿已跟随某艺术学院教授学习了一年的小提琴,到加后,有无可能找到收费不是很高的辅导班(费用大概多少?),小学里有无乐队等组织?谢谢回答!
    • 我的情况和你一样,只是我儿子学的是钢琴。我们预备去温哥华。给我邮件,再详谈。 sunzhiling@hotmail.com
    • 1.社区设有暑期娱乐班,每周三至四天,收费六至十二 元不等。 2.应该有。钢琴家教30-40每时。 3、学校有乐队和小提琴班
    • I believe there must be some musical activities in schools.
      Once in the off-school hour, I saw lots of students got on the bus, each with an instructment case, including violin, clarinet, flute, etc. So I believe there must be some musical activities in schools.

      Another day I saw a group of students, a wind-instuctment band, casually performing by the road.

      Remember the movie "Mr. Holland's Opus"? The scenario is in the States, but I think in Canada situation is similar.