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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 真不好意思,我是新手,问个幼稚的问题。如果我移民成功,登陆了以后,我爱人也要过来,她是顺理成章立刻成为加拿大永久居民,还是说可以因为我在这里,能加些分,但还要等,走所有的程序呢。多谢了。
    • R u married? If yes, submit the application of two. If you got marred after submitting the application but before get the inteview (landing paper), just sent letter to consulate to state this.
      If you married after get the LP, you can come here then apply reunion.
    • 问个私人问题:你现在结婚了吗?申请中结婚需要补交配偶材料,你们将同时收到签证;登陆后结婚是完全不同的事情,不要搞混了,参见枫下FAQ中的家庭团聚类。
      • 我结婚许久了,但现在想一个人办手续,我想知道,如果我办好了手续,也登陆了,在想办法把我老婆弄出来,她是否就顺理成章,还是要经过同样的程序,只是加个分?
        • 那一定属于家庭团聚的类别,你先看看FAQ,然后跳转到“家庭团聚”板块,跟正在办理家庭团聚的朋友好好聊一聊,再决定你到底怎么走你们的夫妻移民之路。
          • 多谢了
            • pyramid,you've just mentioned i am not permitted to get immigrated myself alone 'cause i got married.It is prohibited by canadian government to immigrate seperately if married?are you serious?
              • As I know it is. However I am not 100% sure.
                Count in your wife and Children together will not influence your application at all. Immigration to Canada is One people apply independently, the whole family will succeed.
        • R u crazy? If u still want to live with her in future, why don't apply together? If u r married, u r not permitted to apply solely.
          In order to apply only yourself, you must devoice first.