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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 我来加3个月,现要回国.健康卡是否要去取消,因为在当初填表时,有一项是前六个月不能离境超过30天,不知那位朋友能指点一下??多谢了!!
    • 忘记说了,我在多伦多
      • 我的经验是不要取消,什么也不需要做,回来后仍可用健康卡,一家之谈, 仅供参考。
    • I landed 1 week and then went back to china. During this week, i made SIN card, health card, Bank card. I cancled nothing. After 5 month, I came back Canada again. So you don't need to do anything.
      • 请教Wenti, 听说办理HEALTH CARD 需提供能注明居住地址的文件。对于SHORT LANDING 的人,怎样才能提供此文件?THKS
        • 如果在ON, 不用急着办,反正前三个月也拿不着。到两个多月时再申请也来得急。
      • Do you know what will happen 5 years later when you have to renew your healthy card?