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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 支票收到,猪位请进
    省油的胡兄, 冯天宇冯兄, 刘斌刘兄, 董文亮董兄, 原景亮原兄, Action兄(抱谦看不道您的名字), 蒋维东蒋兄, 各位的善款有多有少但是都是性苦钱, 替潘多谢各位

    Plus my share, we are now over the 300 dollar budget, So...

    Money doesn't come from the tree, I don't plan to spend anymore than we have to, thus, don't hesitate to email me PRIVATELY and indicate that you want to perhaps hold off the donation this time, I then will destroy your cheque, no questions asked.

    • action本来就是个虚名,guest而已,收到就好。
    • "都是性苦钱",叟猪以为钱来自何法?
      • 辛苦钱, 你反对猪主席, 批斗, 批斗
        • haha... :)
    • 感谢你的通告,不过这些人我都不认识,还不如用rolia的绰号呢。
      • The cheques received are from the above individuals, if your name wasn't on the list, it simply means that I did not receive it.
    • Slimpig, I donated $100 too and Jiang got my cheque. Please contact to Jiang. I want to be sure that I can help Pan Zhongyuan. And I want receipt.
      • wow!!! another $100!!!好心人啊!
        • 她真是一个好人啊。真是当今的活雷峰。 你们知道吗?我已经深深地爱上她了,一生不能自拔。
          • 另外说明一点,这是从我的零花钱里面扣的。害得我一根烟要抽2回。
            • 哦,这里有个题目。如果每次抽烟要剩一个烟屁股,5个烟屁股能接成一支烟,那么你捡了20个烟屁股,能抽几支烟?给你30秒!
              • I remember the test that we did in element school - 青蛙从井里向外跳.
              • 题目未看清,回答错乐。4
    • 瘦猪, 怎样donate?
      • Please refer to Message #147566 or
        mail your personal cheque to Pan Zhong Yuan directly. Make the cheque payable
        to "Pan, Zhong Yuan", and mail it to:

        Pan, Zhong Yuan
        620 Gerrard St East,
        Toronto, Canada
        M4M 1Y3

        Wish you and your be-loved ones a happy new year!
        • 多谢林妹妹, 同时也祝你早日找到宝玉GG。关于援助潘兄,有几点建议:
          1. 不知潘兄有轮椅否?如果没有,我们是否援助一个轮椅。这样,潘兄可以去很多原来不能去的地方,这里很多地方,象地铁,BUS,等都有轮椅通道。这样,潘兄也更自立了,我想这也是他的愿望。
          2. 不知潘兄有电脑否,是否能上网。同样的道理,能上网的话,潘兄也能到很多他不能去的地方。
          3. 不知道他的身体是否允许,可不可以外出活动,可以组织带他和父母去Niagara Fall等地方看看。


          Happy new year to Mr. pan and his family, happy new year to all of Rolia‘ friends.
          • Ha
            • 你来的正好,批斗会现在开始。首先,瘦猪交代一下投虎叛猪的问题。然后大家发言,分析一下,帮助瘦猪改正错误。
          • Thank you for the new year blessing. I will ask for LG's permission first. Happy New Year to you too. God will bless all kind people.
            1. Yes, he has wheelchair.
            2. No, he does not have a computer and he does not wish to access to computer since he tries to avoid possible harm brought to him by computers.
            3. Good idea.

            Wish you and your be-loved ones a happy new year!
            • Hehe, 看来是新红楼梦故事. 我赞助他父母一个月的保险吧. 支票到底是寄给瘦猪还是激昂, 还是其他地方? 跟你学一招吧: Best wishes for you and your be-loved ones.
              • Please check your email.
            • If he needs a computer he can use my old junk
              It is currently with my another friend. I think he is considering buying a new laptop, which enables him to surf internet while sitting on his potty.

              It is a Pentium MMX166. Pretty old, but good enough to at least for daily routines. It also has acrobat writer, PS print drivers to print files into PS or PDF files. It also has dual operating system, Windoz and redhat Linux.

              I will get this machine back when he gets his own computer.
              • Thank U!
                Pan got a PC at his home which is from his old friend although he seldom uses it.
    • Why do you think all the person who send check to you is guys? haha, Fisrt time being called brother by others. Not a bad feeling.
      • 哈哈,same here.新年快乐:))
        • I paid through ATM. slimpiggy even didn"t answer my question after this post.I just want to know whether the payment is correctly transferred.
    • I watched the program yesterday; I felt so sorry about Mr. Pan's suffering. Do you know how to contact them? And could you tell me how to donate clothes and other appliance? Thx.
      • Thank you. Please enter....
        If you wish to contact Pan Zhong Yuan and his parents, their home address

        620 Gerrard St East (at Gerrard St E / Broadview)

        Home phone number is: 416-406 4230