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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / Can anybody recommend me some C++ tests?
    Dear friends, I recently became more and more interested in C++. Can you recommen me some websites containing C++ test questions? For Java, I can list some: www.javasoft.com; www.brainbench.com. ....
    • 老牛也来嚼..草啦。呵呵。。不过吾对此一无所知。说不上什么。实际上 吾有两件这辈子学不来的事--1是编程,2是吃辣。呵呵
    • Almost all web site are IDE specified. Like C++ Builder, VC, etc. Because C++ is extremly platform dependent. Pure C++ is hard to find. First you should decide which OS you are using.
      • I use both MS C++ and Borland C++ Builder. I just want to find some quizzes to test my understanding of C++ principles. Thanks.
    • 对哪方面感兴趣,大概说一下,我有7年C++经验,兴许我们可以交流一些。
      • in china i use this site: http://www.csdn.net
    • www.brainbench.com. Just ISO C++.
      • Thanks, HH. Unfortunately, brainbench.com no longer provides free C++ tests.