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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 谈完相机该谈camcoder了吧!请教良方:由于贪便宜给老父买了hi8的机,现在想给自己买就很麻烦:再买hi8好象要过时,买miniDV又贵又要买其它转换装置(还没听说有该类装置卖的)...请玩家帮忙出出主意
    • miniDV($800-1000) + 1394 card($60) = video editing system.
      • What kind software is needed for video editing?
        • adobe premiere 6.0
          • I saw a Sony kit in CircuitCity, including two miniDV tapes, 1394 card and cable, and adobe premiere 6.0 limited edition. at 100USD+9%Tax.
            The adobe premiere 6.0 is sold at 200USD normally. Is 1394 card only $60 in Canada? Is it possible to find adobe premiere somewhere? If not, I have to buy the kit, mainly for the software.
            • Tooo expensive!! 1394 card+cable $48, premiere 6.0 free, tape, $12 each. You can find sw from everywhere!
              • Thanks, eg. I planned to buy such a kit in Circuitcity and book a Sony DCR-TRV17 camcorder and bring them to Canada. So I'll just buy the camcorder.
          • what software is needed to make VCD?
            • videopack 5.0, nero5.0, winOnCd....
              • Thanks. Any shareware/freeware? or anywhere to download?
    • 如果你有很多 hi8 的 tape, 可以攷慮 Digital 8, 和 MiniDV 的圖像質量一樣。不過機器的體積稍大。可以用 hi8 的 tape
      • 还是MiniDV好,可扩展的余地大。
        • 我也想过digital8可是人家说这是过度产品...你说的扩展的余地是什么?
          • 也没啥可扩的。价钱近似的情况下,选miniDV 吧,体积小难道不是理由么?另外,启动拍摄的速度也比较快。
          • 如果喜欢体积小巧的机器,当然是 MiniDV, Digital 8 用的 tape 比较大,所以再怎样设计也不可能比 MiniDV 小。不过 Digital 8 的价格相对低些,最大的优点,就是同样的价格通常能买到有更大Optical Zoom 的Digital 8
            • Hi8和digital8的主要区别是录制的format不同...if so,不如直接买Hi8?cheap and same size
              • Hi8 不是 digital 的,不容易在電腦上做 editing.
    • Anyone can tell me something about Canon ZR20. Is it good if I just want to use it to take vedio? ( I have a digital camera. )
      • It's good. But why don't you try to get a ZR30? I heard that's a amazing product. (You are right, it's not smart to take pictures by DV, even almost all of those DVs have built-in digital still cameras)
        • what do you know about the ZR30? what is the price level of zr30? i can not find it on the futureshop site.
          • I'm gonna buy a ZR30, you can find some infor on yahoo shopping. The price range is from US$600 to $900. Be careful, read some reviews before you make the order. Some merchants are not so good.
        • Which is newer? zr20 or zr30?
          • 30 is better. If you want manual focus, get a ZR25