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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请教一个初级问题: 如何得到报税时用的T4表,税务局寄来吗?
    • 你的雇主给你
      • 没有T4不能报税吗?交税是按照当年银行户头里所有deposit数目申报,有些是新移民带来的存款,有证明就不缴税,没证明,特别是支票进帐的,都交税?我做合同工临时工,没T4怎么办?谢谢。
        • you can file a tax return without T4. you pay tax for the interests you earned from bank. Every formal work should have T4.
          you have income but no T4? good for you, just say you have no income and don't pay the tax.
          • 真的???T4是雇主准备的,雇员要的时候才给,不要的时候雇主会提交给税务局?if not,岂不任何人都可逃税?税务局到底依赖什么查我有无偷税逃税?我不想偷税,但我不知道如何计算交多少税~~
            • I believe 雇主 must 提交 T4 给税务局. (I mean another copy) You hava a SIN, 税务局 use this numner to check if you have any income (from all types of Txx form)
              • 税务局就是依赖T4查税,我也是按T4交税,银行方面只看有无T3。老板开支票给我,他一定会给我T4,因为他自己还有税务问题。这个逻辑正确吧?
                • 对。T3也有CPOY给税局。
                • basically it's correct. but you can have other incomes,
                  like interests income, rental income(if you own a house and rent it), capital gains(if you sold something and made a big money). anyway, we have to pay tax for all the incomes on Txx forms. (so if you don't have a Txx form to prove you have the income, don't report it).
                  • Txx表不是主动寄给我的,我不知道有没别的Txx,哪里去查?我刚来,其余income没有,T4可能好几张~~报税也不难吧?另外就是退税,不知道哪些能退,退多少?
                    • 你做过的每一个工都应给你T4,albxu说的对,你要确认你的地址没有有问题,特别是你更换过地址后。另外,你的房租付款的依据(或租房协议),学校的T2XXX,教会捐款收据都要保留好报税用。
            • 不需你要,雇主会给你,一般2-3月间你会收到T4,晚的4月初。因为雇主也要报税,他一定要给你。只有现金工是双方都偷税的。
              • 那我就放心了,我不熟悉情况,担心哪里漏了,将来说我偷税,坏了信誉很糟糕~~~
        • 如果你的雇主给你的是支票,他/她应该给你T4。如果是现金工,你可适当报一点收入,这样入籍时有帮助。银行存款利息超过$50,银行会给你报税的凭据T3,不给你的就不用报银行这一块了
      • 再多问一句: T4表与工资单是什么关系? 如已提前辞职, 目前手头只有工资单, 报税时是否还是要回去向老板要T4表?
        • 老板 should mail the T4 for you. If you didn't get it, call your 老板
        • Make sure all your employers have your correct current mail address. Sometimes if you forget notifying your previous employers your changed address you may lose the T4 they send to you.