


  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 各位前辈,我将于今年9月赴加读预科,学费和各类保险费用已交,请问我需带够多少加币够我一年在多伦多的生活花消。注:本人生活较简朴,非奢侈浪费型。望您帮助!
    • $600-800/month
    • 我小孩于九月初来多城,须人带领,能否帮忙一下。 email: hongxiaoxiao@hotmail.com Thanks.
      • How old is your child?I'm afraid i cannot take good care of a little baby for i have no experience.Tell some details.ok
        • 11 years old, a grade six student of the elementary school in Canada. Excellent bilingual and good enough to take oneself. Flight: Canadian Airline cp30, cp3100 (via Vancouver) Date: Sept. 2
          • I have to think over.Will you leave a way to contact in Tonronto please?
            • 在北京机场有亲人送,我在多伦多机场接。详情讨论请
    • 各类生活用品尽力代齐。羽绒绵、 风衣、5-6双鞋必备。多带可节省开支。 hongxiaoxiao.
      • 我也很想多带啊,可又怕超重,是不是连被子,单子也要带上啊。那要带几箱子呢。
        • 褡花被、绒毯各一床即可。
        • Hi, Vicky,Actually, the expense of housekeeping in Canada is not much more expense than in China. As I see it, to carry mininum of nevcessary is Ok.The penalty of CP is more than the amount you want to save.:=)
          • Ganaidan,看得出来,你被罚得好惨哪, 向你致意!
            • Thank Dingding for your kindness.Althrough I was not glad at been punished, the regulation is rule.One has to obey it no matter you like or dislike. Talk to you later.
          • Thank you for notifying,Sailor,Jack,Ganadian and Dingding.
    • 老婆老婆我爱你
      • love you
        • ^_^
    • 只因有你
    • OATH
      MY OATH TO YOU...
      When you are sad,.............I will dry your tears.
      When you are scared,..........I will comfort your fears.
      When you are worried,.........I will give you hope.
      When you are confused,........I will help you cope.
      And when you are lost, and can't see the light,
      I shall be your beacon........Shining ever so bright
      This is my oath...............I pledge till the end.
      Why you may ask?..............Because you're my love.