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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 哪位大虾知道硬盘和CD刻录机这里的价格?谢谢
    • cd writer $150-250, HD 30G $170-190, 45G $2xx. Check www.futureshop.com
      • 谢谢你,得寸进尺地又问:"DVD机多少$?"
        • Don't buy here, you can find the better one from China. I did.
          • really? which one is better in China?
            • 厦新DVD,电压110-300。 无区域限制。1950RMB。在这儿买DVD是北美区的,不能放中国的DVD。
              • 我买的是‘步步高‘,是我知道牌子中功能最好的。1700RMB, 没有电压问题,无区码限制,可看DVD, VCD, MP3, SVCD,卡拉OK,可复唱,复读。哎呀,功能可多了。
                • 看把你美的,就跟夸自己老婆似的。是国内买的吗?很重要的一点,能放CDR刻录的盘吗?我想自己做一些VCD/SVCD,听说只有特殊的机器才能放
                  • 北京买的。你说的没试过。今晚回去看看说明书。还有一些功能我自己都忘了。
                  • Yes, my JVC can play VCDs I make from my digital camcorder, and all pioneer product line can play CDR/CDRWs, the cheapest only cost $300, my JVC cost me $270 during Xmas
                    • You made VCD(Mpeg1) from your DV AVI files? Great! have you try Mpeg2? It should be in much better quality. I'd like to learn from you. Could you give me your email or telephone no.? Pls send them to my email box.
                      • Yes, mpeg1 from avi, VCD is ok but svcd sucks big time,
                        probably because I watch them on 50" rear projector, made a mpeg2 clip but haven’t put it on CD yet, it suppose to be DVD like 16:9 wide screen, but on computer monitor it squeezed horizontally. what kind capture card and software you use? ohop@yahoo.com
                      • EGG,都MPEG4了,还为MPEG2激动啊?另外,你们讲的都是外置的DVD播放机,只能放电影,不能读文件,有没有无区码的DVD-ROM能在多伦多买到?
                        • I've seen Sinko DVD in Chinatown centre, It claime to do everything, $350 tax in,
                          • and Walmart starting sale Konka DVD now
                            • 这些是外置的只能放电影,不能读文件的DVD player,,还是DVD-ROM?
                        • You can go for Apex, Future shop has it and hey are made in China. Officially it can not play any thing else except zone1, but there is a web site tell you how to twit the trick to make it play eventually every thing.
        • I get it in futureshop website, thank you very much!
        • Think about the warranty! Buy it here is a not-bad idea. It's not expensive at all.
          • reasonable
    • 温哥华有买盗版VCD吗?是否值得带VCD PLAYER过来?请多多指教.有何VCD在VANCOUVER买不到?