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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 今年我的车保险涨了20%, 第一是头年的优惠取消了,第二是9.11袭击后全体保险业的涨价? 大家是不是都涨了? 当我告诉保险公司刚拿到G牌,却再涨后的基础上只降10%,这么这么少呢?
    • 满足吧,monnex拿G后还不给降呢。何况降的是涨价以后的10%, 小赚一把。看这里:
      • thanks, it's just in Monnex. they want increase it from $91 to $111 after the first year. when I told them just got G license, then it changed to $101. but my friend got $20 less after got G license.
        Why I am not lucky enough?
        • 什么车?是全保吗?deduction是多少?上班开吗?谢谢