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  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 新的 iMac 很酷,很动心。哪位 DX 帮忙分享一下买 iMac versus 买 PC? 因为价格不低,所以不太敢轻举妄动。
    • iMac使用起来比较特殊,你发这个贴子说明以前肯定没有摆弄过, 所以还是不要趟着这趟混水. 如果很有钱,是买来玩和观赏的话, 就在买一个pc来用.
      • 什么人一定买 iMac 呢?是不是做图像处理方面的工作的?
        • 苹果的确以图形处理见长,但是北美有许家庭喜欢用,毕竟考究的造型,精美的界面使pc机看上去象一堆破烂,只是价格嘛,呵呵:(
          • iMac & PC 的软件不兼容,怕有很多东西做出来别人看不了。比如写的文章什么的。会不会呢?
            • 当然会啦...Mac一点意思没有. 没多少东西好玩. 受不了iMac的圆鼠标
              • 也就是说如果不是特别需要的话,没有必要买 Mac 了?
                • iMac is not easy to use if you get used to pc. and it does not support some software. i think for computer blinder- (i mean people know little about computer), it is a good choice. my own opinion. i used my
                  i used my friend's imac.
                  • you mean Mac is for computer dummies? or not?
                    • i think imac is for computer dummy.
            • 没有解决不了的问题
            • Of couse not. I used iMac before and I really enjoy the stablity, speed, and cool GUI. And I wrote documents through its office kit, you can save as word, html, or rtf format. It looked exactly same as in Window machine.
              But I don't recommend you to buy one. You can't find a lot of 'cheap' software for iMac, and its not easy to be updated.