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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 我们这个网站开发SAP的同仁注意了,一个问题请教----
    有人用过SAP KANBAN 功能么? 我在研究此功能时碰到棘手问题,本人解决不了,要请我们这儿的大虾出手相助了。

    另, 你们可知道民间SAP技术讨论网站的网址?那该死的SAP办事处问他问题还要出年度服务费,气死俺了。

    • Up, up----
      • I am not SAP function consultant, current field Basis and ABAP, as you didn't post your problem here, I can only suggest you visit http://www.sapfans.com/sapfans/ or go http://listserv.sapfaq.com/archives/sap-r3-l.html
        I am not SAP function consultant, my current fields are Basis and ABAP, as you didn't post your problem here, I can only suggest you visit forum at http://www.sapfans.com/sapfans/ or search http://listserv.sapfaq.com/archives/sap-r3-l.html, I'd suggest you join the sapfaq mailing list to ask for help. There is online help at http://help.sap.com/.
        • Thanks,IQS, it was so nice of you to post me those details. It is quite helpful to me. Thank you very much.