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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 新移民到底如何申请信用卡?今天又和鬼子理论了一小时,虽然同意拿最少1000块作为抵押,(哼,抵押期限三年!被银行拿去自己投资了),申请一张信用卡,但还要一次性缴纳大约30块什么什么费?抢钱?!
    • I was strongly recommanded a MasterCard in Canadian tyre. I'm still hesitating if I should activate it.
      • I was told the Visa Card is much Better than Master Card.
    • Try TD Bank. I deposit $1300 for two years to get a TD Green Visa with a credit limition of $1000. You can go to these branches in China Town, for you can find employees speak mandarin. Check the web to find out their telephone first.
      • 偶踹的就是TD呀,每次去都没有国语职员接待偶,好在英语不难懂,可是鬼子好像死板?还是歧视偶是中国人?不给偶讲价~~1000块的额度要2000块的抵押,三年,否则byebye。
        • 不是歧视,而是业务员水平问题。我在同一个地方给我自己和老婆分别申请信用卡,业务员不同,得到的答案也不同。要在中国,我早上消协了。
        • It's a must now in TD Bank.
          I just called my agent asking her about this, she said the policy has just changed, and the $35 is called registration fee, it's a must now. Try calling other banks. The credit card is nothing to you, but the credit history is VERY VERY important. You will need about 1 year to establish your own credit.
          • 你说对了!偶当时问的那个职员自己居然也不是很确定,只是说大约30多。看来是新改的规矩。后来,英文中文的解释都说这费用是用来注册,签约,好像还提到加拿大信用局?哎,偶真不走运~~呵呵
    • I selected Scotia Bank. Deposit 2400CND for one year, then get a credit card of 2000CND.
    • 30 块什么费?没听说过。
      • 是啊,偶以为没听懂。立刻现场叫800中文服务,呵呵,满热情的,两个国语不利索的老哥跟偶讲这是什么什么费,偶记性奇差,怎么现在就忘记了?哼,银行卡好像也挺方便的,不要credit了!
        • Credit is important in the furture. Try CIBC, my consultant help us to apply the credit since we have some saving there enven without job, if you like contact me my mail, I'll tell you her phone number. I don't think it's good to post it here.
          • 太好了,你可以把他的电话email偶,偶没有多少钱,所以不知道应该从TD转出来多少合适?偶不希望抵押数目太大,抵押期限太久,否则如果近期用钱多,偶就要去讨饭了~
            • Be aware that this credit card is for establising your credit only, so $1000 credit limit is more than enough.
          • 偶回信给你却被退回了,新浪还是比较破,只说是因外部原因不能送达~~~~
            • Then have you got my message? Do you have other Email address? Any problem please send my mail.
    • 我也在TD申请的,1000存一年,你们干吗要3年呀?
    • no deposit is necessary, opened an account of GIC ,one year flexible in CIBC, and then applied and obtained CIBC Visa card in two week on line,
      and then apply HSBC master card without any requirement, even no account with HSBC, 4,500$ limitation.
      • Several questions to ask for details. 1. What is GIC? 2. Is there any qualifications to apply CIBC visa card on line? 3. What is your meaning to apply for HSBC master card after having a CIBC visa card? Thank you!
        • Flexible GIC, check with CIBC, save 1,000 to 2,000 $ in you GIC account, can be withdrawned any time you like after one month of GIC account opened.
          then, online applying for you CIBC Classic Visa Card (no fee charged)

          it took about two weeks for me to obtained it, once you got a Credit Card , you can apply for another one (Master Card ), to obtain your credits from these two main Company( Visa & Master). You can not always use the credit card ( American express)from your company , it just earn credits for your company .

          I am not professional on this case, any comments from experts is highly appreciated.
    • Capital One没有抵押,刚申请就是5000的Maximum Limit.