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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 接#329729 ,加拿大好象有一个LABOUR CODE的法律,规定每天工作不超过8小时,超过部分1.5倍薪水,是吗?HOLIDAY工作是1.5倍薪水吗?生病期间,员工有权利拒绝工作安排吗?TKS
    • 你上班多打两个喷嚏,保证老板就不让你上啦:_)
    • Based on the law, the hour above 44 hrs/wk shall be considered overtime, 1.5 times of normal pay. But in fact, a lot of employers don't pay overtime. What can you do? You can quit of course.
    • I remembered recently they just passed a new law that the overtime is above 60hrs.
      • 完了,FUCKING 死老外!真奸诈!最长59小时,中间每休息过