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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / --请问有那位上多大读Master in Electricla and Computere Engineering. 请问一下托福253/4,无GRE,成绩85of100的水平入学几率有多大,本人正在犹豫报不报多大,多谢。
    • I think UOT need 5, 4 may be not enough.
      • 我查过,标准是250/4,不过看我刚够线,我还是舍弃的好。/ 看下面的仁兄,条件比我好,恐怕McMaster我也未必过关。
        • McMaster undergraduate 入学TWE 最低要4.5
      • My situation is similar with you
        My situation is similar with you. TOEFL: 250/4.5, no GRE, GPA 85%.
        Computer Science of UofT definitely need 5. I have tried to called ECE department, a lady told me that they need 4. But a person i know in undergraduate study of this department told me that basically they need 5 because of the competition. Maybe you should go to UofT by yourself and get some real information to see how much possibility you could have to join them.
    • Situation in 2000/2001 school year.
      U of T and U Waterloo, both admitted in ECE. T 250/5.5, No GRE, 4th year GPA 86%. Never contacted any professors before admission. Very ordinary univeristy background during undergraduate in China.

      People keep telling me that it changes. I am not sure about current policy then. Just for your reference.

      Good luck, everybody!
      • that should be because you have good score in TWE. So which university are you in?
    • 谢谢各位,本人只能“避实就虚“了!我现在申请学校可能有点晚了。
    • 请问在这儿考过托福的朋友:国内的笔考复习题仍然使用吗?有没有什么地方可以下载CAT试题的网站?谢谢。
      • In my point of view, it is useful. cbt do have different type of questions, but just type changing, not level changing.