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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / How to understand the meaning of Townhouse? What kind of house can be considered similar example in china?
    • Some of the townhouses are similar to the apartments called "Fu Shi Jie Gou". Actually, the exact meaning of townhouse is the house in the town--house structure without yard. .
      • 可否理解为不带院子的半独立式洋房? 理论上说是不是应比楼房高及点呢?
    • It\'s not actually good house. It\'s much cheaper than house, or semi-detached house.
    • townhouse的概念是最少有三户以上的住户所组成的建筑,既大部分住户都有共同的侧墙。与贵贱,高矮无直接关系,一般是两到三层,有公共的停车场和花园,也有些还有共同的娱乐场所如健身房,泳池。一般每月要交管理费。