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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / BC省的失业率已经到了9.7%,如果加上新移民,非得超过10%不可,上个月BC一个省失业的人比全加拿大加起来的还要多4000,多伦多的兄弟们,可见你们那里的情况算好的了,偷着乐去吧,请看转贴:B.C. loses more jobs than all of rest of Canada
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛B.C. lost 11,000 jobs last month -- 4,000 more than the rest of the country combined -- as the provincial unemployment rate jumped 1.2 percentage points to 9.7 per cent.

    "We knew there were some tough problems in store for the province, but this is a pretty ugly drop [in employment]," CIBC deputy chief economist Alister Smith said Friday.

    Contributing to the big jump in the province's jobless rate was an increase of 15,000 in the number of British Columbians looking for work.

    Statistics Canada reported the national jobless rate rose by half a percentage point to eight per cent as the Canadian economy lost 18,000 jobs in December.

    Statistics Canada said B.C. lost 59,000 jobs last year, with the biggest losses taking place in the manufacturing sector. A total of 28,600 B.C. manufacturing jobs were lost in 2001, with about a quarter of those losses occurring in wood-products manufacturing.

    Other sectors taking major job loss hits last year include finance (down 19,900), natural resources (down 12,500) and professional, scientific and technical services (down 11,600).

    Areas that experienced year-over-year gains in employment include trade (up 12,200), health care and social assistance (up 11,300) and accommodation and food services (up 7,700).

    StatsCan said unemployment in Greater Vancouver rose from a three-month average of 7.1 per cent in November to 7.8 per cent last month. The Victoria rate rose from 5.7 per cent to 5.9 per cent.

    Smith said the weak B.C. employment picture will likely drag on this year because there is no satisfactory resolution in sight for the softwood lumber dispute with the U.S.

    "It's hard to point to a month sometime this year when suddenly the Americans will relent [on the lumber duties] and their housing market strengthens to the point where you have a real big increase in the demand for B.C. lumber," he said.

    Smith said the B.C. economy still has some strengths, including the energy sector, but noted that tourism -- a traditional strong performer and a significant part of the provincial economy -- will likely slow down this year.

    He predicts the B.C. economy will grow by about one per cent this year, compared with a national average of 1.7 per cent.

    "One-per-cent growth isn't a recession, but it's about as close as it gets and it could slip below that number, depending on what happens with the softwood lumber issue in particular," Smith said.

    Credit Union Central of B.C. chief economist Helmut Pastrick said the big increase in B.C. unemployment last month is deceiving because of the large increase in the number of people looking for work.

    "If the size of the labour force had stayed the same, the unemployment rate would have gone to just nine per cent," he said.

    "I expect these job losses will generally end in the next six months and then we'll see some stabilization before job gains kick in during the second half of the year."

    CIBC World Markets economist Avery Shenfeld said the recession is finally catching up to the Canadian job market.

    Given all the announced layoffs yet to come, including more than 1,500 in Canada by Ford Motor Co., and the plunge in help wanted ads, the jobless rate will likely rise further, despite recent optimism that the recovery is near, he said.

    Adding to the grim mood and undermining North American stock markets Friday was a warning by U.S. Federal Reserve Board chairman Alan Greenspan that the U.S. recovery -- a prerequisite for a turnaround here -- is still at risk.

    "The eight-per-cent unemployment rate [in Canada] will no doubt put more pressure on Ottawa, and particularly the Bank of Canada, to do more to get the economy back in gear," Shenfeld said.

    "The prime minister and his government can no longer wallow in denial about what is happening," said Canadian Labour Congress president Ken Georgetti, arguing that families are being especially hard-hit with most of the job losses being among middle-aged adults and in full-time work.

    Greenspan, making his first public comments on the economy since Dec. 11, said there are "tentative indications" the economic slump could be drawing to a close, but he said those signals are far from conclusive.

    "I would emphasize that we continue to face significant risks in the near term," Greenspan said in a speech to a business audience in San Francisco.

    He identified some of those threats as weak profits and business investment and restrained household spending caused by rising unemployment.

    But Greenspan said there are some signs a recovery could soon begin.

    "If the recent, more favourable developments continue and gain momentum, uncertainties will diminish."

    Tory finance critic Scott Brison said the December budget was a "lost opportunity" by the government to stimulate the economy with strategic tax cuts.

    However, Finance Minister Paul Martin has said that last year's tax and interest rate cuts are still injecting massive amounts of stimulus into the Canadian economy.

    And the Bank of Canada will cut interest rates even further on Tuesday, the next pre-set date for any rate changes, analysts agreed.

    "This soft report hands the Bank of Canada all the reason it needs to cut rates," said Nesbitt Burns economist Douglas Porter, adding that a hefty half-point reduction can't be ruled out.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • BC从来就是加拿大最穷的省,现在安省都8%的失业率了,所以也没什麽惊奇的
      • 就是这样还这么多人往加拿大移民,都是怎么想的?
        • 国内虽然号称增长率7%,但是失业率早超过20%了。
          • 如果在国内就业都困难到加拿大就能找到合适的工作?还是甘心做LABOUR?不过我相信到这里上网的还是一些日子过的还可以的,那些对前途不乐观的是不会来的。
            • 台湾失业率5%,老百姓就大呼小叫,紧张得不得了。
      • 目前BC省确实是最穷的省,但以前(十几年前)可是数一数二的富省,前两天听新闻说有专家警告,照果BC省这样下去,其经济“将向墨西哥看齐”。
        • BC 人的舒服日子过惯了,赚钱靠的是木材,旅游,教育,连制造业都不行,看不出来有什么好转的迹象,浪费了最适合人类居住的地方。
          • 所以我支持刚上台的现任省长,政府机构裁员1万多,砍福利,节省开支,以前的政府只知道乱花钱,不知道发展经济,什么给吸毒者买毒品,给妓女每人配个手机,太匪夷所思了。希望本省经济能在近几年有所回升。
            • 应当给吸毒者配手机----方便他们联系毒贩,提高社会购买力;给妓女买毒品----让她们努力工作,发展无烟工业
              • 哈哈,好注意,我提议给你来双分,既给你发毒品,也给你配手机,如果你不吸毒,毒品可以卖掉(当然是偷偷的)。
                • 嘿嘿,你说错话了
                  • 开个玩笑嚒,竟然也到了说错话的地步?
    • 真滑稽,“上个月BC一个省失业的人比全加拿大加起来的还要多4000”,加拿大失业的人不包括BC?
      • 哈哈, 高, 实在是高!!!
      • loses more jobs than all of rest of Canada. His translation has problem.
      • 我的错,我英语有问题,现在更正如下:BC省上个月流失的工作比全加拿大除BC省以外所有的省上个月流失的工作总和多4000个。
    • 我们从来都不偷着乐,乐就大大方方地乐..hahaha
      • 当心我休了你,哈哈