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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / I wonder how new immigrants arrange their life and study when they have to make money for living and haven't found a professional job. I appreciate for your experiences.
    • 是超人的话边打工边学习, 否则就只是打工啦. 别把这里想得太可怕, 在这里饿不S人
      • Seems good news.
        • 哎, 说是这么说, 但是我现在还是没有收入:(((
          • 上周收到朋友(研究生)发来邮件,到VAN两年半,目前在制衣厂做工,感觉他还生活得可以并准备申请大学今年秋季入学。
            • 真勇敢!
            • I have to say that I can't bear the boring and little pay rate of labour for so long time. I have my own plan.
              I have to say that I can't bear the boring and little pay rate of labour for so long time. I have my own plan. But I am not sure if I can carry out it as I thought because there are many other outerious factors. That is I am worrying about. I am not a super-person and I don't want to be. I think it is more important to be healthy. Anybody has experience to get through the hard time?
              • 生活往往不象你想的那么简单的。 如果你有些积蓄,你可以过来直接学习或PURSUIT你的目标。 如果你没一定的积蓄而又一时半会找不到工作,你连肚子都添不饱,房租都交不出,请问,你何以追求你的目标?
                • 可是真正有能力的差不多都有一定的经济基础了
      • 这就是超人啦?国内我就是边工作边学习,现在仍然准备这样.压力可以成为动力只要不是那么FRAGILE,呵呵.小蚂蚁刚来不久,耐心祈祷.人是万物之灵,神不会抛弃你的:-)
        • 我也试过边工作边学习啊,但是很累啊:( 看来你真的是超人也:P 哎呀,现在的神好多也,我真不知道该向哪个祈祷啊@@
          • Jesus Christ!!!
            • 悄悄问一句, 你是信教的?
    • You can get the government loan to go to school. A lot of native Canadians are poorer than you guys but they still get into a university and become well-educated.