


  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 有哪位知道目前北京办理返加证的实际所需时间
    • u can not apply it in China or other country. U must do it in canada
    • You can.It is about 2 weeks.
      • 哪位仁兄能告诉小弟怎样在国内办返加证,可否提供中介的地址和联系电话? 感激涕泠!!!
    • You can apply returning resident permit in China throw Beijing or Hongkong embassy.
      You don't need any agent. Goto:www.canada.org.cn(Beijing or Hongkong), find visa->returning residence, download the form to fill in and pay 75$ with supporting documents. You can refer to the website for details. In Beijing ,it will take about 6-8 weeks(In the website it said it only take 2 weeks). Remember, you must mail your oringinal passsport and visa with the application form.