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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请问UW附近哪里有便宜的USB线卖? 复印一般哪里比较便宜?除了SLC的旧书店以外,还有什么地方可以买到旧书?
    • I know a little.
      1.The computer store at MC has 6-feet for 7.99 which is the cheapest I know.
      2.At the cross of University Ave and King(besides a pizza shop), there's a photocopy shop. It's 5c per page(I don't know including or excluding tax). At UW, 7c for one page, 8c per page for more than 2 pages.
      3.Wilfred Laurier University has a bookstoer who sells used book too. But it's difficult to find books used in UW except some Calculus books.

      Do you want to copy book?
      • 我要BUS121的LAB MANUAL,但是买不到,UWL也没有。所以可能就得复印了。(你说的那个复印的地方我好象有看到过。)MC几楼有卖USB的?
        • Second floor.
      • 哪里有打印比较便宜的地方? 还有印制名片?!
        • up!
    • If you need to copy materials related to job search (resumes etc), you can go to an employment center. Photocopy is free.