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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 改了主意,不准备做生意了,读个MBA怎样?加拿大那些MBA较好,毕业后就业情况怎样?
    • As far as I know, because of the strong-accented English and skin color, it will be quite hard for an alien to find an above-middle-level management position in western country, unless you are very aggressive and outstanding.
      Acturelly, education just give you the proper way of thinking in your field. Never dreaming about the education will guarantee you a secure job. You still need to fight your way through in the real world.
      • It's true.
    • Just go though the previous post on this forum, this will answer most of your questions. You can also visit canadian business web site for the latest MBA ranking. URL: http://www.canadianbusiness.com/magazine_items/2000/oct30_00_mbaintro.shtml