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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 大家讨论讨论这段话,我感到这里面陷阱丛丛。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛51 、A permanent resident card is issued
    (a) if the permanent resident, after applying for
    the card,
    (i) is subject to the process set out in para-
    graph 46(1)(b) of the Act, for a validity period
    of one year until there has been a final deter-
    mination of the decision,
    (ii) is the subject of a report prepared under
    section 44(1) of the Act that is being consid-
    ered by the Minister to determine whether the
    report is well-founded, for a validity period of
    one year until the Minister completes the
    (iii) is the subject of a report prepared under
    subsection 44(1) of the Act that, in the opinion
    of the Minister, is well-founded and the per-
    manent resident is subject to a removal order
    made by the Minister under subsection 44(2)
    of the Act, for a validity period of one year
    until the period for filing an appeal from the
    decision has expired or, if an appeal is filed,
    until the final determination of the appeal, or
    is the subject of a report prepared under
    section 44(1) of the Act that, in the opinion of
    the Minister, is well-founded and the report is
    referred to the Immigration Division under
    subsection 44(2) of the Act, for a validity pe-riod
    of one year until the period for filing an
    appeal from the decision of the Immigration
    Division has expired or, if an appeal is filed,
    until the final determination of the appeal; and
    (b) in any other case, for a validity period of five
    years.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 另外,我这里有新法和实施细节的PDF文件,谁要?
    • 我的看法可能很多人都会反对: 所谓永久居民就是得在那儿居住, 履行相应的义务, 享受相应的福利(包括一些人移民原因中不便说出来的原因).
      如果移民只是投机取巧, 多一条路等等的想法, 其实是和加国的移民政策相悖的. 加国吸引外国人移民并定居是希望带动本国的经济, 所以给出了很不错的政策(找不到工作与移民政策没有太大关系,不是政府的错). 如果很多人只是把移民和以后的换身份看作是n+1条退路,只是作为备份的话,其实是对真正的永久居民的一种侵害. 这和很多人在国内的想法一致,即使拿了LP换了护照,可是还是没有一种真正融入的想法,没有贡献的想法,那么到哪个国家都会没有依托感的. 就象小蜜绑大款一样,其实你并不真正爱他,只是看中他的钱(福利或某种安全感). 说回来, 无论怎么研读新法, 企图寻找出可以钻的空子(其实就是上面讲到的那种人,那种想法.), 作为当局代表的移民官怎么都可以认为你的生活重心并不在加国, 即使日后蒙混入籍,你真的会忠于这个国家吗? 我们在中国这么多年后, 以种种理由移民来到一个新的国家, 如果只是念个书,镀个金, 省点学费, 也就是有限的几年的影响; 但是如果更多更多更多的中国移民都是这种想法来到加国的话, 谁能保证几十年几百年后加拿大这片土地不会成为当今中国的翻版呢?
      我非常敬佩那些或早或晚来到加拿大,生根发芽,辛勤工作,快乐生活的中国移民, 那才是真正的永久居民.
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