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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 想买新房. 请教买过新房的朋友, 可不可以在价格上和builder讨价还价? 新房还要不要交land transfer fee? Thanks.
    • 1,no.2.no
      • Thank you very much. Can I negotiate for upgrade? or any thing I can't get discount?
        • 一般都有很多PACKAGE你自己选,哪个多少钱都是定好了的。不能讲价。
          • Thanks.
        • Yes, you can try to bargain or ask something for free.
          We got a rough-in central vacuum system free of charge. It is worth $130 if my memory is reliable.
    • of course you can negotiate the price. and, you will have to pay land transfer fee.
      • Sorry I am confused. the DX above said no for both . which one is correct? I mean new house, not a resale house. Please let me know, thanks.
        • some builder are willing to negotiate, some are not. it's like buying new car. you have to shop around. of course, when houesing market is too hot, it's hard to negotiate.
    • 新房讨价还价的余地极小,除非已经卖了很久都卖不动。要做好杀不下价的准备。
      • Do I need pay land transfer fee?
        • Government will give you a refund on Land Property Tax if your house is under CDN$250K. If the price is above that, they charge you by percentage on the part above. This is the RIGHT answer. 8-))
          • 真是说到我心坎里去了。
        • 新房也得付, 不过如果是第一次你有2200的免付额.
      • Thanks.
    • 房价一般难以讲下来,尤其现在新房抢手,一副你不买拉到的腔调. 不过在UPGRADE上一定要杀杀价. Builder通常将upgrade价定得很高(他们不乐意做upgrade). 我当时讲了8K下来.