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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / So many Japanese in Yellowknife in order to see the northern light! So many Japanese restrants in Yellowknife, the biggest hotel is Japanese hotel.
    • HI, 什么时候去了YELLOWKNIFE?看见极光了吗?最好能POST 一些极光的照片
      • It is pity that the first night we came, my colleague told me he had seen the northern light when he was driving for us, but I did not see anything at all. Then the followed days were cloudy. :(((((
    • 小金同学已抵达YELLOWKNIFE了?快把见闻讲讲。:)
      • Never use Eskimo anymore, this is a bad word as Negro. Use Inuit. That is all my experience. :)
        The Inuit people had their own language both in spoken and writen, I never heard they have anwriten language!!
        • 伟大领袖毛主席教导我们:知识青年要到黄小刀去,接受贫下中农的再教育。别想别的了,赶快同贫下中农打成一片吧。
    • 您老独自偷着乐去罢,我们好好羡慕您na!
      • It is snow everywhere in Yellowknife, all the world is white, beautiful. It was -10 yesterday and -20 today. Not so cold as normal as -35 degrees.
    • 伊的鼻子还在吧?
    • I had read a book about yellowknife. I used to have a colleague who comes from yellowknife. I remember in YellowKnife, Chinese people whose family name is HUANG are very famous.