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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 重大恐怖新闻 ! 不知是真是假?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛据加拿大加中人才协会顾问、前移民官通过私人关系与移民部高级官员接触得知,原定于二月份公布的新移民法细则之第二部分将视所有已登陆的新移民为外国人,即如果新移民在未入加国籍之前,如在加拿大上学将按国际学生学费标准征收学费每年大约一万至一万六千加币,并无权得到政府贷款。所有正在上学的新移民将在第二年适用这一原则。技术移民如欲入加拿大国籍,必需纳税满一万八千加币。加入加拿大国籍之后有五年的监视期,在这期间如移民官怀疑新移民居住加拿大的诚意,有权取消其国籍。这位官员还透露,移民部的“智囊团”在去年十一月份曾提出六十六分的新法移民合格线,当时已通过移民部的内部讨论,移民部长卡普兰亦未反对。但不知何故,在公布新移民法之第一部分时,卡普兰将合格线提至八十分,还规定了“追朔权”,连移民部内部都大为惊讶。关于前几日有移民官在多伦多电视台表示每年三十万的移民配额将主要由“家庭团聚移民”填补时,这位现任高级官员认为纯脆是无稽之谈。他分析说,“家庭团聚移民”每年不过几万人,新法实施之后,移民部很可能下达内部文件,对于东欧的审请人即使不满八十分,亦通过“斟酌决断权(discretion)”的正向使用而对其大开绿灯,而对于来自中国、印度的审请人将严格执法,以此推行卡普兰实际的“白加”政策。我协会顾问与这位官员一致认为鉴于新移民法不对加拿大主流社会形成影响,外界很难形成足够的舆论压力阻止它实施。
    鉴于目前新移民法第二部分更为严厉的情况,即使审请成功,登陆之后亦享受不了加拿大福利。我协会已正式中止了技术移民审请服务,提出了一套解决方案,凡是由我协会服务但按照新移民法不合格的审请人,将可免费审请移民澳大利亚,我协会垫付审请费并提供相应服务。详情请来我协会面谈。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • not possible
      • Please say "not possible", read the first proposed regulations carefully, you will taste the feeling!!!
    • 请大家一定要证实这个消息的真实性,如果是真的,新移民们的日子不是雪上加霜吗?本来在加拿大的工作机会就很少,如果去别的国家工作,就很很大的可能性被取消移民资格。
      • 假设加拿大平均每年移民20万,近三年内登陆尚未入籍的应有3*200000(不算人头只算户头)。我想可能性不大吧
        • 你所说的可能性是什么?我所说的可能性是,在取得国籍之后的5年内加拿大还要考察你的移民问题。就是说取得国籍后,如果你经常去别的国家生活,你就随时有被取消国籍的可能性。
          • 我指的可能性是这条新闻以及“将视所有已登陆的新移民为外国人”的说法
            • 哈哈,我们说的不是一回事情啊,是啊,仔细想来,好像没有这个可能性的,不知道这个消息是从哪里找出来的,应该看看是谁在造谣
    • 如是真事,立马回国。还坐什么移民监?
      • Me too!
    • 无稽之谈。肯定是假新闻。拥有PR身份外国人享受除选举权和被选举权之外的权利是国际惯例,加拿大也不例外,大家相信我!
      • 政府工作优先找公民。
      • 哪来的惯例,通常PR是没有选举权的,至少新加坡是这样!
        • 惯例不惯例且不说,我没有说错啊?
      • Do you read the rules carefully?
    • 我胆儿小,别吓唬我!:-) 请进一步证实。我不信!haha
    • 有一点是肯定的,这个话题很快进热点。:-)
    • 肯定是捕风捉影。加拿大政府才没那么傻,就是想真正的搞白加也不会说出来的, 只会内部控制,并且会有说得过去的理由,(什么理由找不到啊,人家何苦这样 明摆着得罪这么多的有色人种?)
    • 放心吧,东欧移民根本不够加拿大需要的移民数。这就是为什么加拿大现在的移民 进口国主要是亚洲各国。加拿大当初也是不得已才这样的。这种情况仍然没变。
      • "移民数"已经不适应现在的加拿大经济需要了. 目前加拿大的劳动力短缺已经不是问题,政客们正在为失业率发愁呢.
    • 第一感觉是震惊。然后细看后面的所谓加中协会的声明,感觉象移民公司卖广告。加入公民的政策是公民法规定的。有许多老华侨十几年都没有入籍,难道他们也是外国人。批准入籍根本就不是移民官的职责,而是入籍法庭的责任。结论是我不信。
      • 还是有哪位大虾有时间的话看看新的移民法,看懂之后给我们大家介绍介绍。
        • 刚刚看略读了C-11的第1-13页,第99页(关于学生贷款),提到附件2(1),即在原来的公民和永久居民后面加上(符合附件2(1)定义)。仔细看看附件2(1)第119页,应该是和恐怖有关的定义。没有找到任何与所谓削减贷款的消息。
          • 第101-103页的提到的公民法改动,没有提到任何纳税和5年审批的问题。如果真有大的改动,肯定会写出来。不可能留下四个月就强行通过。审批新移民的细则是移民部制定,移民法可是要国会通过。要修改几十条相关法律,移民部哪有这么大本事?
    • 最后一句话肯定是真的, 他们把加拿大说得比澳大利亚更"白化", 然后影响申请人去澳大利亚, 以维持中介公司的生意.
      • 我想也是
    • 肯定是移民公司的市场宣传,移民加拿大不成的顾客会要求退款,这就意味这移民公司破产,所以要把生意转移到澳洲去. 但是, 无风不起浪, 新移民法里面肯定有不少猫腻.
    • 应该是不可能的事儿!请看移民部网站官方文件(当然移民局骗我,我也没办法)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛THE IMMIGRATION PLAN
      FOR 2002

      Commitment to Immigration

      The government remains committed to investing in Canada's economic and social development through immigration. A planning range of 210,000 to 235,000 is confirmed for 2002. Refugees will account for more than 10 percent of newcomers to Canada in that year. Skilled workers, business people and provincial or territorial nominees, together with their families, will again make up about 60 percent of the movement in 2002, and family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents, slightly more than one-quarter (see appendices C and D).

      This is consistent with the planning range announced earlier for 2002 and reaffirms the long-term objective of moving gradually to immigration levels of approximately one percent of Canada's population, while bearing in mind Canada's absorptive capacity. The skilled workers, business immigrants, family members and refugees who enter Canada through our immigration program are increasingly important to maintaining a strong and skilled labour force. These same people also strengthen Canada's social fabric and cultural diversity.

      The government remains committed to investing in Canada's economic and social development through immigration.
      Temporary residents are also a key element of Canada's growth. The immigration program provides for the temporary entry of skilled foreign workers and business people essential to economic development, foreign students drawn by the reputation of Canada's universities and colleges for excellence in education, research and training, and tourists eager to experience the many attractions of this country.

      The commitment to immigration is inseparable from Canada's determination to deny access to those who pose criminal or security threats to Canada and other countries, and who might abuse immigrant, refugee or temporary entry programs for illicit and fraudulent ends. Investigation and interdiction abroad, screening at border and airport entry points, and removal activities in Canada are necessary adjuncts to an open immigration policy and the levels planning process.

      Pursuant to immigration legislation, the Social Union Framework Agreement and federal/provincial/territorial immigration agreements, consultation is essential to immigration planning, and various federal/provincial/territorial forums exist to that end. In addition, as part of the Multi-year Planning Process, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the provinces and territories are working to establish a joint planning table to address common concerns and challenges related to immigration planning. Consultations with other parties who are increasingly interested in participating in immigration planning will continue.

      The scope of the policies and procedures required to enhance public safety and security, and concomitant pressures on the fiscal framework, will have an important effect on future planning, as will the nature of migration flows in the coming years, and other program pressures. Given the current level of uncertainty, it would be premature to announce a planning range for 2003 at this time without further consideration and consultation to ensure that supports are in place to move to higher immigration levels.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我觉得移民局确是在玩两面手法. 移民纸换移民卡还要有大堆条件其中还有担保人. 也没说目前的移民纸能用多久, 另外提到移民卡将是移民身份的证明....大家的确不能掉以轻心很明显,他们在变相重新洗牌.
        • 以后大家多多注意这个方面的消息就是了,无论是真还是假,作为我们新移民来说真的要防备为是。不怕一万,就怕万一。如果加拿大的移民政策发生重大变化,倒霉的不还是我们新移民吗?
        • 是啊,移民卡到底是一个什么东西?有人能够解释一下吗?
    • Even it's true, it doesn't hurt canadian' benefit, So, it's right. Keep canada white as major is good for chinese! Do you like illegal group like hongkong, taiwan?
      • You know how many new immigrants have no job yet?? how can they have the tax record over $18K to become the citizen? Maybe you can, but I cannot....and I think many others cannot, either.
      • ARE YOU NUTS?! 为什么白加对我们有好处?加拿大越是白,我们不就越看着黄了吗?怎么你自己 都不白,还反倒喜欢白?毛病!
        • 我的意思是,自己都不白还想要白,岂不是自己跟自己过不去?
      • 已经公布出来的部份就已经证明新法和上文所讲背道而驰,另外一个帖子显然错了,非法移民来的最多的不是台湾,香港,而是大陆
        • "非法移民来的最多的不是台湾,香港,而是大陆",这句话怎么解释?请教
    • "加拿大加中人才协会顾问、前移民官通过私人关系与移民部高级官员接触得知"???, 别蒙人了, 这种假消息也信
      • shit
    • 爆笑!大家还有什么笑话、幽默之类的赶紧跟贴。
      • 你这么一说,都不敢跟了,一跟就成笑话了,哈哈。我冒着被看成笑话的危险跟了一下。:-)