


  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 充电电池需不需带到加拿大? 在加拿大能不能买到电池充电器? 听说普通电池在加很贵?
    • Yes, battery is quite exps here. If you can find 110V charger, just buy and bring it.
      • Thanks a lot! Also, I would like to know if the 110V charger can be got in Canada. It seems not easy to got one in China.
        • buy charger here, but bring rechargable batteries from China
    • 我也很关心这个问题,哪位先知者能指点一下。
      • Of course you can. 110v/50hz is north anerica standar . Every electric devise should match the standar.
        • 在北京中关村电子市场有220V TO 110V的转换变压器,一般家电都可以用,是互换的。加拿大的标准电源插头是上边两个扁平的,底下是个圆柱的三头插座。
          • 蓝岛地下一层有卖,可分量太重了,还是不方便带出去
          • 请问到底有没必要带插座来加拿大?插头的两个扁平是平行的还是带角度的?谢谢!
            • 接线板好象一只也要10块左右叭,带一个还是合算的叭?真的需要大家澄清加拿大的标准插座是什么样的?
              • you can find it for at most 4 or 5 bucks at canadian tire. very cheap here too.
          • 不仅是要电压转换,还要看功率是否够,否则恐怕带不动吹风机:)另外,加拿大的鼠标和耳机麦克也比较贵叭?各位过来人指点一下该带什么合算?
            • 小鱼,真喜欢你用字眼的方式,看了你对吹风机的关照, 你在我想象中变成"神探飞机头"了:)
            • you guys do think and worry about too much. the simplest mouse: 5 bucks; earphone: 5 bucks, but 15-20 bucks if it's from Sony; simple hairdryer, 12 bucks.
              The time and brain cells you use to think, priceless(just kidding, it's style of Mastercard's commercial).