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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 台式机也能象笔记本电脑一样进入休眠(suspend,风扇停转,只有内存供电)么?我嫌开着机器太吵,关了从头引导又太费时。
    • Your concern is the power supply not the Desktop itself
      The CPU fan makes no noise, right.

      The problem is the power unit.

      Some mainboard can make the hard drive, display into suspend mode, but not the power unit, expecially the fan in it.

      You may want to change your power unit or the entire case if you're okay to assembly yourself.

      The cost is minimum, only tens of bucks. (make sure the new power unit or case is the quiet type)
    • Only if your system's motherboard support this function, suspend to RAM
      • I tried. The power fan is still on (and noisy), but my DSL connection is dead
      • What kind of OS support this function -- suspend to RAM?
        • It is not just OS, but hardware too.
          It is not just OS, but hardware too. My system, in the Bios's power saving
          choices has a option which is suspend to RAM, both power supply fan and heatsink fan will stop running when it is in suspend mode.
          • 你的意思是说,不用在Windows里设置什么,只要按一下电源开关就可以了,对吗?
          • To support STR(Suspend-to-RAM) +5V SB of the power supply should be able to provide current larger than 720 mA
    • 不可能,要给内存供电,电源一定要稳定,变压器肯定要工作。
      • Win2K有支持"休眠"的功能,不须加电源,当然不会3秒钟启动,不过也够快的了.
        • Hibernate“休眠”和Suspend“挂起”是两种不同的概念
          Hibernate,就是您说的休眠。它是系统将内存镜象到硬盘的临时文件,然后停止设备。等你再次启动的时候再将内容写回内存。别说断掉电源,你就是搬家都没问题。Suspend是“挂起”,系统其他硬件设备处于“待机”,但是内存不掉电,以保证其中的信息不丢失。一旦断电,就属于“非法关机”了。上面ginger的帖子里面提到的Suspend to RAM,我认为就是属于给98提供的“休眠”功能。不过因为是2000,暂时没法试验,仅仅是估计。
          • 谢谢,我没看清上面的意思,呵呵,W2K的Hibernate功能确实可以用.在关机的选项里.
    • Use win2k and use hibernate
      • Will the power unit fan stop running?
        • Hibernate means os write everthing on the disk then shutdown everthing, so includ the fan.Next time you turn on the power it's read the image of RAM on the disk, so boot up quickly.
    • 制造噪音的三大罪魁: